CINEMA: GAME Of Thrones actor John Stahl has died at the age of 69, his agent has confirmed.

The actor played Rickard Karstark in two series of the pop­u­lar HBO fan­ta­sy show.

He was also well known for play­ing Inver­adar­roch on the long-run­ning soap opera Take The High Road from 1982 until it ceased pro­duc­tion in 2003.

A state­ment from his agent Aman­da Fitza­lan Howard described him as “an actor of remark­able abil­i­ty and a stal­wart of Scot­tish theater.”

It added, “He passed away on the Isle of Lewis on March 2, 2022 and is sur­vived by his wife, Jane Paton.”

Bob­by Hain, man­ag­ing direc­tor of broad­cast­ing at STV, said, “We are sad­dened to learn of the loss of John Stahl, an extreme­ly tal­ent­ed actor who, in his role as Tom ‘Inver­dar­roch’ Kerr in Take the High Road, was a much ‑loved pres­ence on STV for more than 20 years.

“John’s impres­sive career has tak­en him from Glen­dar­roch to Wes­t­eros, and we are proud that he began this jour­ney play­ing and shap­ing one of the most mem­o­rable char­ac­ters on High Road.

“Our thoughts and sym­pa­thies are with John’s family.”

Stahl was born in Sauchie in Clack­man­nan­shire and lived on the Isle of Lewis.

He appeared in many the­atri­cal pro­duc­tions dur­ing his career, includ­ing per­for­mances at the Roy­al Shake­speare Com­pa­ny and the Nation­al Theatre.

Fel­low Take The High Road actor Derek Lord paid trib­ute to Stahl, recall­ing their time on set together.

Lord wrote on Twit­ter, “Sor­ry to hear that my for­mer High Road col­league John Stahl has passed away.

“I remem­ber him being upset when some idiot in pro­duc­tion decid­ed to drop his char­ac­ter’s name Inver­dar­roch and use Tom Kerr instead.

“He will always be Inver­dar­roch to me, the only man to have beat­en Sned­don in a fair fight.”

Scot­tish screen­writer Peter May also remem­bered the actor and recalled how he recent­ly attend­ed his wed­ding online.

He said, “Ter­ri­bly sad to hear that my old friend, John Stahl, has passed away. I wrote so many scenes for the Inver­dar­roch char­ac­ter he played in Take The High Road.

“It was only recent­ly that I attend­ed his wed­ding online. I last saw him in Adelaide.

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