CINEMA: Gaspard Ulliel the actor who played in the film Hannibal Lecter has died at 37.

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The 37-year-old mod­el and actor was rushed to hos­pi­tal in seri­ous con­di­tion after the inci­dent on Tues­day at the Rosière ski area in Savoie.

Ulliel, known for his appear­ances in adver­tise­ments for Chanel per­fumes as well as film and tele­vi­sion roles, suf­fered seri­ous head injuries in the crash, local TV chan­nel France Bleu said.

His fam­i­ly con­firmed his death in a state­ment on Wednesday.

Accord­ing to reports, the actor col­lid­ed with anoth­er ski­er at a cross­ing point on the slopes.

Ulliel was air­lift­ed to a hos­pi­tal in Greno­ble fol­low­ing the hor­ror col­li­sion — but the oth­er ski­er involved was not tak­en to hospital.

An inves­ti­ga­tion is under­way into this trag­ic acci­dent, said the Savoy pros­e­cu­tor’s office.

Moun­tain cops report­ed­ly respond­ed to mul­ti­ple crash­es in the area in recent days due to hard snow and ice on the slopes.

Ulliel starred as young Han­ni­bal Lecter in 2007’s Han­ni­bal Ris­ing and fash­ion mogul Yves Saint Lau­rent in the 2014 biopic Saint Laurent.

He was also in the upcom­ing Mar­vel series Moon Knight and he was the face of Chanel Bleu de Chanel men’s fragrance.

Ulliel won a César — the French equiv­a­lent of an Oscar — for best actor in 2017 for It’s only the end of the world in which he starred along­side Mar­i­on Cotil­lard and Léa Seydoux.

He had already won a César in 2004 for the most promis­ing actor after appear­ing in the First World War dra­ma A Very Long Engage­ment along­side Audrey Tautou.

French Finance Min­is­ter Bruno Le Maire said on Twit­ter: “French cin­e­ma is los­ing immense tal­ent, full of charm and energy.”

The actor’s death comes after a five-year-old girl was killed on Sat­ur­day when a ski­er rammed her.

The man was indict­ed for manslaugh­ter, accord­ing to the pros­e­cu­tor of Haute-Savoie, who indi­cat­ed that exces­sive speed was the prob­a­ble cause of the accident.

For­mu­la 1 leg­end Michael Schu­mach­er was also air­lift­ed to hos­pi­tal in Greno­ble after a hor­rif­ic ski­ing acci­dent on the slopes above Meri­bel in the French Alps in 2013.

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