David Brenner the American Oscar-winning editor dies at 59.

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His wife Amber told The Hol­ly­wood Reporter that the icon­ic cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er passed away at his West Hol­ly­wood home Thurs­day afternoon.

Bren­ner worked on a num­ber of hit films, includ­ing Zack Sny­der’s Jus­tice League and won an Oscar for his work on Oliv­er Stone’s Born on the Fourth of July in 1990.

Amer­i­can Film Edi­tors — of which Bren­ner was a long­time mem­ber — launched a GoFundMe page for fans to donate mon­ey to help his family.

Fans raised $46,000 (£33,000) in less than 24 hours and that fig­ure is still rising.

The group said, “He was an amaz­ing edi­tor and a lov­ing and com­pas­sion­ate fam­i­ly man.

“In an effort to sup­port David’s fam­i­ly dur­ing this ter­ri­ble time, Light­storm Enter­tain­ment has set up a GoFundMe account.

“More impor­tant than any finan­cial help this can pro­vide, this is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to let his wife Amber and chil­dren Annie, Haider and Sasha know how many oth­er lives David has touched.”

Zack Sny­der also paid trib­ute, post­ing on social media, “Dev­as­tat­ed by the news that I lost my dear friend and col­lab­o­ra­tor David Bren­ner
 The kind­est man, A lov­ing father and hus­band, A gift­ed artist
 you will be deeply missed.”

Roland Emmerich — who worked with Bren­ner on Inde­pen­dence Day, The Patri­ot, The Day After Tomor­row and 2012 — shared a lov­ing trib­ute on Facebook.

He wrote: “Our deep­est sym­pa­thies and con­do­lences to Amber, Anna, Haider and Sasha on the sad and trag­ic pass­ing of Oscar-win­ning direc­tor David Brenner.

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