CINEMA: Matt Reeves Batman’s director misses the premiere of the film after testing positive for Covid.

With Bat­man suf­fer­ing seri­ous delays due to the Covid pan­dem­ic, it’s some­what fit­ting that direc­tor Matt Reeves was forced to miss the film’s world pre­miere in New York after test­ing pos­i­tive for the virus. Hav­ing been vac­ci­nat­ed and boost­ed, Reeves does­n’t seem to suf­fer much from the effects of the virus. How­ev­er, since the pan­dem­ic is still a part of life, the direc­tor was unfor­tu­nate­ly unable to attend the event in per­son and instead turned him­self in via video message.

Reeves attend­ed the Lon­don pre­miere this week­end, but his recent test pre­vent­ed him from min­gling with the film’s stars and fans at the event held at New York’s Lin­coln Cen­ter on Tues­day. While Robert Pat­tin­son, Paul Dano, Zoe Kravitz and oth­ers were in atten­dance, Reeves sent this mes­sage via video, which was shared by Vari­ety’s Ramin Setood­eh. He said:

“I’m sor­ry I can’t be with you tonight, we were tour­ing the film and doing the press tour, and despite my dou­ble vac­ci­na­tion and boost, I caught Covid. The good news is that I’m healthy and well, but I’m not with you and that’s a big heart­break for me because this film means so much to me. It’s been a five-year jour­ney for me and I’m real­ly glad we’re shar­ing it with you tonight.

Of course, being vac­ci­nat­ed does­n’t pre­vent some­one from get­ting Covid, but as Reeves said, he is healthy and has no viral symptoms.

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