CINEMA: Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher organized a fundraiser to raise over $18 million to help Ukraine.

Celebri­ty duo Mila Kunis and Ash­ton Kutch­er helped raise more than $18 mil­lion in dona­tions for the peo­ple of Ukraine after the Russ­ian invasion.

Kunis, who was born in Cher­nivt­si, Ukraine, took to her hus­band’s Insta­gram to let fans know that the “Stand With Ukraine” cam­paign was halfway to its $30 mil­lion goal.

She said, “UPDATE!!! 15 mil­lion. We are halfway to our goal. Thanks for the support!”

“We just want­ed to give you a quick update on where we are with fundrais­ing. We are halfway there. We are super excit­ed, and we want to say thank you to each and every one of you. It’s been an incred­i­ble 48 hours.”

The Black Swan actress added, “I’ve always con­sid­ered myself an Amer­i­can, a proud Amer­i­can. I love every­thing this coun­try has done for me and my fam­i­ly, but today I’ve nev­er been more proud to be Ukrainian.”

Kutch­er shared that there have been near­ly 50,000 dona­tions on her GoFundMe page and said, “We are halfway there. We’re at $15 mil­lion and we’re head­ed for $30. We’re going to get there.”

“There are prob­lems in the world that take a vil­lage to solve, and there are oth­er prob­lems that take the rest of the world. This is one of those oth­er problems.”

Kunis also took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to intro­duce Ryan Petersen, the cre­ator of Flex­port, and Bri­an Chesky, CEO of Airbnb, to explain how the dona­tions would be spent.

Both Petersen and Chesky revealed that the dona­tions would fund hous­ing and liv­ing costs for Ukrainians.

Kunis and Kutch­er launched their GoFundMe page “Stand With The Ukraine” to pro­vide imme­di­ate sup­port for Ukrain­ian refugees and human­i­tar­i­an efforts.

Kunis and Kutch­er have pledged $3 mil­lion of their own mon­ey to the fundrais­er to fur­ther help refugees in Ukraine.

The actor left Ukraine in 1991 as his par­ents sought a bet­ter life for the family.

How­ev­er, despite being in Amer­i­ca for over 30 years, Kunis is still a “proud Ukrain­ian” and stands in sol­i­dar­i­ty with them.

On Feb. 26, Kunis also took to Twit­ter after Moscow invad­ed Kiev and wrote, “God pro­tect the Ukrain­ian peo­ple! My thoughts and prayers are with you.”

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