CINEMA: Morbius becomes one of the lowest rated superhero movies of all time.

It seems that Sony can’t quite cap­i­tal­ize on the suc­cess of Spi­der-Man: No Way Home as Mor­bius has become one of the low­est rat­ed super­hero movies of all time.

There weren’t the high­est expec­ta­tions at the start for the third film in Sony’s Spi­der-Man uni­verse, how­ev­er, it seems that even those expec­ta­tions weren’t met.

Jared Leto’s “liv­ing vam­pire” Mor­bius fell overnight and the reviews have been noth­ing short of savage.

The film has a 17% rat­ing on Rot­ten Toma­toes — yikes.

How­ev­er, in a form of con­so­la­tion, the audi­ence score is cur­rent­ly a bit high­er at 48% — I guess you can call that a consolation?

Mor­bius sees Leto por­tray the “liv­ing vam­pire” Michael Mor­bius, who orig­i­nal­ly appeared as a Spi­der-Man vil­lain, but became a sort of anti-hero in his own series, much like Tom Hardy did in Venom.

Mic­a­hel Mor­bius has been described as “one of Mar­vel’s most fas­ci­nat­ing and con­flict­ed characters.”

In the film, he is “dan­ger­ous­ly ill with a rare blood dis­or­der” and injects a for­mu­la to cure him­self and oth­ers with the same disease.

How­ev­er, he soon real­izes that his “des­per­ate gam­ble” quick­ly goes from “rad­i­cal suc­cess” to some­thing that is “poten­tial­ly worse than the dis­ease” he start­ed with.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it seems that view­ers can real­ly get on board with the film.

Crit­ics haven’t let go of Mor­bius either.

Emi­ly Zeimer of The Observ­er wrote, “Unless your tick­et is free, don’t both­er. This film is as life­less as the bod­ies Mor­bius drains and throws to the ground.

This is com­ing from some­one whose tick­et was prob­a­bly free.

Adam Gra­ham of Detroit News said, “There’s noth­ing in Mor­bius that could­n’t have been bet­ter summed up in a two-minute trailer.”

Nell Minow of Movie Mom said, “More like Bore-bius, amirite? The action scenes are poor­ly staged and the spe­cial effects are hor­ri­ble. Plus, it spends way too much time on the ori­gin sto­ry with­out ever mak­ing us con­nect with the main character.

To sum­ma­rize, the “Crit­ics Con­sen­sus” on the Mor­bius Rot­ten Toma­toes page reads: “Cursed with unin­spired effects, rote per­for­mances, and a sto­ry that bor­ders on absur­di­ty, this Spidey-adja­cent mess is a veiny attempt to make Mor­bius real.”

It seems that the sev­en-time delay in the­aters did­n’t help the film’s release either.

It fol­lowed the release of the two Ven­om films, with the 2018 film receiv­ing 30%, and its 2021 sequel improv­ing 58% on the “Tomatome­ter.”

How­ev­er, the audi­ence score for these films was sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er than Mor­bius, with both reach­ing over 80%.

Accord­ing to Vari­ety, the vam­pire film is expect­ed to bring in A$50–60 mil­lion on its open­ing week­end, how­ev­er, Sony is look­ing to tem­per those expec­ta­tions and has pre­dict­ed a fig­ure clos­er to A$45 million.

For ref­er­ence, some well-known ter­ri­ble hero films are cur­rent­ly ranked higher.

2016’s Sui­cide Squad, which also fea­tured Jared Leto, is at 26% on the glob­al movie web­site, Ryan Reynolds’ much maligned Green Lantern is at 26% and Bat­man V Super­man has a 29% rating.

At least it does­n’t stink at the lev­els of 2015’s Fan­tas­tic Four reboot or Halle Berry’s Cat­woman, both of which have a 9% score.

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