CINEMA: The Batman is rated PG-13, which recognizes the film as “strong, violent and disturbing content”

We only have a few months until the long-await­ed pre­miere of The Bat­man, and the offi­cial note has just arrived for the film. As expect­ed, The Bat­man has offi­cial­ly been rat­ed PG-13. Accord­ing to, the PG-13 rat­ing is for “vio­lent and dis­turb­ing con­tent, drug con­tent, foul lan­guage and sug­ges­tive material.”

Because Warn­er Bros. would want a big bud­get movie like this to be seen by as large an audi­ence as pos­si­ble, it always seemed very like­ly that The Bat­man would be rat­ed PG-13. There were a few ear­ly rumors of an R rat­ing and some fans may have spec­u­lat­ed that Jok­er’s suc­cess could have led to The Bat­man get­ting a sim­i­lar rat­ing. While the film isn’t as vio­lent as it war­rants an R rat­ing, it nev­er­the­less appears to be push­ing the bound­aries of that PG-13 rat­ing with the way “Vengeance” hits help­less hench­men in the trail­er, with­out talk about the fact that the movie fol­lows a sadis­tic ser­i­al killer. ”

Direct­ed by Matt Reeves, The Bat­man stars Robert Pat­tin­son as the lat­est big-screen ver­sion of Bruce Wayne. The film has no con­nec­tion to the DCEU movies and is set in its own stand­alone uni­verse with no Jus­tice League or any­one else to call for help when a psy­chot­ic ser­i­al killer known as Rid­dler (Paul Dano) begins to ter­ror­ize Gotham City.

The film also stars Zoe Krav­its as Seli­na Kyle aka Cat­woman, Col­in Far­rell as Oswald Cob­ble­pot aka Pen­guin, John Tur­tur­ro as Carmine Fal­cone, Andy Serkis as Alfred Pen­ny­worth and Jef­frey Wright as Jim Gordon.

Much of The Bat­man’s recent mar­ket­ing has focused on the rela­tion­ship between Bruce Wayne and Seli­na Kyle. While Bruce and Seli­na have their dif­fer­ences, they may have to come togeth­er to put an end to the Rid­dler’s mad­ness in the new movie. Kravitz also referred to The Bat­man as an ori­gin sto­ry for his Cat­woman, teas­ing that more could be explored with her in the inevitable sequel as well.

“It’s an ori­gin sto­ry for Seli­na,” the actress told Empire. “So this is the start for her to find out who she is, beyond some­one try­ing to sur­vive. I think there is a lot of room to grow and I think we watch her become that. that I am sure will be the femme fatale.

Of how she pre­pared for her role as a cat bur­glar with a soft spot for cats, Kravitz added, “We watched cats and lions and how they fight, and talked about what is actu­al­ly pos­si­ble when you’re my size, and Bat­man is so much stronger than me. What’s my skill? It’s quick and dif­fi­cult. So we did some real­ly inter­est­ing ground­work that incor­po­rat­ed dif­fer­ent types of mar­tial arts and of capoeira and a kind of feline move­ment, sim­i­lar to a dance.

The Bat­man will hit the­aters on March 4, 2022. Exact­ly 45 days after its the­atri­cal pre­miere, the film will begin air­ing on HBO Max.

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