Cristiano Ronaldo breaks silence on claims he threatened to quit World Cup squad

Cris­tiano Ronal­do has bro­ken his silence with a rant on Insta­gram fol­low­ing a sur­prise claim that he want­ed to quit the Por­tu­gal squad at the World Cup.

The 37-year-old five-time Bal­lon d’Or win­ner has start­ed in his first three games for Qatar.

How­ev­er, against Switzer­land, Fer­nan­do San­tos was left out and replaced by Gon­za­lo Ramos, who scored a hat-trick in a 6–1 victory.

On Thurs­day, Por­tuguese media out­let Record report­ed that Ronal­do had threat­ened to quit the World Cup after being benched.

The Por­tuguese Foot­ball Asso­ci­a­tion cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly denied this in a statement.

The strik­er has now released a state­ment of his own after leav­ing Man­ches­ter Unit­ed fol­low­ing an explo­sive inter­view with Pierce Morgan.

“It’s a group too cohe­sive to be bro­ken by an out­side force,” he wrote Tues­day, releas­ing a snap­shot of the team, includ­ing him­self, cel­e­brat­ing the goal. A brave coun­try that will not yield to any enemy.

A team in the truest sense of the word, fight­ing to the end for their “dream”. Believe with us! Strength, Portugal! ”

The for­mer Man­ches­ter Unit­ed strik­er is said to have told San­tos after Ronal­do was replaced in the sec­ond half of the group stage game against South Korea. “You’re in a hur­ry to take me,” he said.

Ronal­do quick­ly denied the alle­ga­tions, claim­ing he was actu­al­ly talk­ing to a South Kore­an play­er who encour­aged him to leave the pitch early.

He said, “What hap­pened was that before my sub­sti­tute, a Kore­an play­er told me to leave.”

I said, “You don’t have that kind of author­i­ty, so shut up.” There was no dis­agree­ment with the director). ”

How­ev­er, Ronal­do sulked when he was dis­missed, and it was unavoid­able that he made San­tos feel overwhelmed.

Ramos scored a hat-trick in the last 16 and is expect­ed to keep his posi­tion at the expense of Ronaldo.

Por­tu­gal will face Moroc­co in the World Cup quar­ter-finals on Saturday.

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