Cristiano Ronaldo will get an additional €200 million on top of his €200million annual salary to help push Saudi Arabia’s bid for the 2030 World Cup

Cris­tiano Ronal­do dou­bled his annu­al salary of €200 mil­lion to help Sau­di Ara­bia bid for the 2030 World Cup, earn­ing about €1 mil­lion a week.

The Por­tuguese vet­er­an strik­er signed for Al Nasr last month after being sacked by Man­ches­ter United.

The 37-year-old Ronal­do has signed a stag­ger­ing two-year, €200 mil­lion con­tract with the Sau­di Ara­bi­an pro league.

And that would be just the begin­ning of his earn­ing in the Mid­dle East.

Ronal­do will make anoth­er €200m by push­ing for Sau­di Ara­bia to host the 2030 World Cup, accord­ing to AFP news agency.

It’s unclear if the addi­tion­al €200m will be paid out in one lump sum, but it could bring in just under £1m in a week and €396m in a year.

Being involved in Sau­di Ara­bi­a’s bid to host the 2030 World Cup will see the for­mer Real Madrid star push for a bid to host a rival to his country.

Por­tu­gal, along with Spain and Ukraine, is prepar­ing a bid to win the host­ing rights for the 2030 Games.

Spain has already host­ed the World Cup, but Por­tu­gal and Ukraine have yet to claim the honor.

Sau­di Ara­bia, along with Egypt and Greece, are bid­ding for major com­pe­ti­tions on three continents.

A Ronal­do spokesman denies agree­ing to pro­mote the 2030 World Cup.

Ronal­do flew on a pri­vate jet to Sau­di Ara­bia last week and was offi­cial­ly unveiled as an Al Nasr play­er, along with his part­ner Georgina and children.

AFP report­ed that Ronal­do’s arrival at Al Nasr was facil­i­tat­ed by senior Sau­di roy­als, includ­ing Mohammed bin Salman.

MBS and his broth­er were also fans of Al Nasr and want­ed to give their club world­wide recognition.

Ronal­do was sus­pend­ed for the new side’s 2–0 vic­to­ry over Al Tae, but he watched from the stands.

Since arriv­ing in the Mid­dle East, Ronal­do has lived a life of lux­u­ry, stay­ing in a spa­cious ‘King­dom Suite’.

Accord­ing to Mar­ca, Ronal­do will have a lux­u­ry room in Riyadh and a pri­vate jet.

The five-time Bal­lon d’Or win­ner will have to miss this week­end’s match at New World again as he serves the sec­ond match of his suspension.

He is expect­ed to make his debut for Al Nasr on Jan­u­ary 22 against Etifaq.

How­ev­er, the first match after the con­tract in the new world may not even be for them.

Instead, he will par­tic­i­pate in the exhi­bi­tion match as part of a team made up of star play­ers from Al Nasr and fel­low Sau­di Ara­bi­an Al Hilal.

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