Donald Trump preparing to return to Facebook and Twitter

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Back in the White House, Don­ald Trump wants to regain con­trol of his pow­er­ful social media accounts.

With access back to the Twit­ter account, the Trump cam­paign has for­mal­ly asked Face­book’s par­ent com­pa­ny to unblock the account, which was blocked in the wake of the Capi­tol riots two years ago. .

“We believe the ban­ning of Pres­i­dent Trump’s Face­book account has dra­mat­i­cal­ly dis­tort­ed and sti­fled pub­lic dis­course,” the Trump cam­paign wrote in a let­ter to Meta on Tues­day, accord­ing to a copy seen by NBC News.

The Trump cam­paign did not threat­en to sue, as some peo­ple close to Trump thought. Instead, he spoke of the impor­tance of free speech and called on Meta to hold a “meet­ing to dis­cuss Pres­i­dent Trump’s ear­ly return to the platform.”

A Meta spokes­woman said of Trump, “We will announce our deci­sion in the com­ing weeks, in line with our estab­lished process­es,” and declined to com­ment further.

Face­book and Twit­ter say Trump sup­port­ers (many of whom have admit­ted in fed­er­al court that they were insti­gat­ed by his lies about a stolen elec­tion) stormed Capi­tol Hill and announced Joe Biden’s 2020 He vetoed the day after he blocked Con­gress from count­ing the elec­toral votes to rec­og­nize the 2018 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion victory.

Face­book even­tu­al­ly decid­ed to enact a lim­it­ed Trump ban, start­ing Jan­u­ary 7th of this year, to be reviewed after two years.

Twit­ter planned a per­ma­nent ban, but new own­er Elon Musk rein­stat­ed Trump’s account on Nov. 19 and has since crit­i­cized the com­pa­ny’s for­mer exec­u­tives for the ban.

But Trump has yet to tweet.

“Trump is like­ly to return to Twit­ter. One Repub­li­can, speak­ing on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty, said of a pri­vate con­ver­sa­tion about Trump’s return to the plat­form,” he said for weeks. But Trump speaks for Trump, so no one knows what he will do or say when. ”

Anoth­er Trump aide, who did­n’t want to be iden­ti­fied about the con­ver­sa­tion, said Trump had been ask­ing for his opin­ion on return­ing to Twit­ter for sev­er­al weeks, and his cam­paign advis­ers had been work­ing out ideas for the first tweet. .

Some advis­ers said that post­ing on oth­er social media sites may be restrict­ed now that Trump has cre­at­ed his own plat­form called Truth Social. Truth Social declined to com­ment on the alleged restric­tions, while a Trump spokesper­son said the cam­paign believes he can return to Twit­ter as he has before.

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