FIFA President Gianni Infantino takes a selfie next to Pele’s coffin

Gian­ni Infan­ti­no took a self­ie next to Pele’s open coffin.

The FIFA pres­i­dent is in San­tos to attend the funer­al of a great Brazil­ian figure.

Fans lined up for more than a kilo­me­ter to remem­ber the man known as the King.

Infan­ti­no, 52, was pic­tured offer­ing con­do­lences to Pele’s fam­i­ly mem­ber Mar­cia Aoki.

Short­ly after, he was spot­ted smil­ing and tak­ing a self­ie next to Pele’s coffin.

Infan­ti­no was pic­tured with Pele’s for­mer San­tos team­mate Lima.

Pele, who died Thurs­day at the age of 82, was buried in an open cof­fin in the cen­ter of San­tos’ Vila Ver­miro stadium.

In addi­tion to Infan­ti­no, the heads of the Brazil­ian and South Amer­i­can foot­ball fed­er­a­tions were present.

Infan­ti­no also extend­ed his con­do­lences to Pele’s son, Edinho.

In mourn­ing, the FIFA pres­i­dent said he would ask all nations to make a spe­cial ges­ture for the late three-time world champion.

“I will ask all coun­tries to name one of their foot­ball sta­di­ums after Pele.

“We are here with great sad­ness. Pele is immor­tal. He is a glob­al foot­ball icon.

“Future gen­er­a­tions must know and remem­ber who Pele was.”

After 24 hours of mourn­ing, Pele’s funer­al pro­ces­sion pass­es through the streets of São Paulo today, past the home of his 100-year-old moth­er Celeste.

He will then be buried privately.

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