GAMES: Hackers have corrupted the save files of players of “Elden Ring” on PC.

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If you play via Elden Ring on PC, you may want to dis­able the game’s online func­tion­al­i­ty for now. Accord­ing to a Red­dit report spot­ted by Eurogamer, some mali­cious indi­vid­u­als have come up with a hack that can send PC play­ers into an end­less death loop.

You can see the exploit in action in a video post­ed by Elden Ring Update on Twit­ter. A hack­er will invade your game and use a spe­cif­ic abil­i­ty that forces Elden Ring to crash. When you reload your save, your char­ac­ter will repeat­ed­ly drop until it dies. Elden Ring is a big game, and some play­ers have report­ed los­ing up to 100 hours of game­play this way.

If all of this sounds famil­iar, that’s because From­Soft­ware was recent­ly forced to dis­able Dark Souls 3’s mul­ti­play­er fea­tures after a hack­er iden­ti­fied a vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in the game that allowed them to exe­cute code remote­ly. The stu­dio has been work­ing to resolve the issue since February.

From­Soft­ware and Bandai Nam­co have not yet com­ment­ed on the exploit. We’ll update this arti­cle when they say some­thing about it. In the mean­time, your best bet is to play offline. Fail­ing that, you’ll want to back up your save reg­u­lar­ly in case some­one uses the exploit on one of your char­ac­ters. In the worst case, it is pos­si­ble to recov­er a save, but the process is not easy. You’ll need to press Alt F4 before your char­ac­ter dies, then quick­ly get to a grace site when you reload the game.

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