GAMES: Rockstar confirms massive Grand Theft Auto VI leak

Grand Theft Auto VI's leak allegations appear to be true

Grand Theft Auto VI’s leak alle­ga­tions appear to be true.

Rock­star Games con­firmed the authen­tic­i­ty of the leak in a tweet, point­ing out that hack­ers stole sen­si­tive data, includ­ing “ear­ly devel­op­ment footage” of the upcom­ing “Grand Theft Auto” title.

While the com­pa­ny did not believe it would do long-term dam­age to devel­op­ment or live ser­vices such as GTA Online, it was “very dis­ap­point­ing” that details of the upcom­ing game were shared in this way. It is said that

Rock­star has promised anoth­er update “com­ing soon” to con­tin­ue pro­duc­tion on GTA VI “as planned.” The game’s pro­duc­ers could­n’t tell us more.

How­ev­er, accord­ing to Win­dows Cen­tral, par­ent com­pa­ny Take Two has urged the com­pa­ny to remove this con­tent, which alleged­ly con­tains plans for Bul­ly 2 and may con­tain code for sev­er­al GTA titles.

The request was made to GTAFo­rums, the orig­i­nal host of . The hack­er’s orig­i­nal Telegram chan­nel has since disappeared.

This leak is unprece­dent­ed and includes 90 footage from the very ear­ly ver­sions of GTA VI.

The clip seems to hint at a return to Vice City (aka Mia­mi) and a Bon­nie & Clyde-esque pair­ing of male and female pro­tag­o­nists that was rumored back in July.

In addi­tion, it seems that var­i­ous enhance­ments have been made in terms of func­tion­al­i­ty, such as improved ani­ma­tions and a rob­bery system.

GTA VI’s visu­als are like­ly to be more pol­ished in the end, so it would­n’t hurt too much. How­ev­er, there is con­cern that code for GTA Online could open up vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties to hack­ers, which would make oth­er play­ers’ games worse.

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