GAMES: Stalker 2 developers remove NFTs after fans outcry.

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The devel­op­ers of STALKER 2, GSC Game World, announced yes­ter­day that they will be adding NFTs to the game. As you can imag­ine, the recep­tion from the pub­lic has not been kind.

NFTs (and the blockchain itself) are an envi­ron­men­tal dis­as­ter, a pump-and-dump scam, and an unnec­es­sary attack on exist­ing tech­nolo­gies and sys­tems that don’t need to be fixed. So what­ev­er approach you want to come to them from — or all three if you will, I’m not here to stop you — they suck.

I think the fan reac­tion was best summed up by this most vot­ed com­ment on Red­dit, which sim­ply said:

“They lit­er­al­ly had noth­ing to do to keep me excit­ed for this game and they screwed it up anyway.”

Either way, 24 hours after mak­ing the announce­ment, and after being crit­i­cized for all of those 24 hours, the stu­dio decid­ed it was time to tweet an “apol­o­gy” let­ter. Of course, he did­n’t apol­o­gize for any­thing oth­er than a per­ceived “lack of communication”.

An hour lat­er, they instead announced the deci­sion to “undo every­thing NFT in STALKER 2”, with an incred­i­ble state­ment. After explain­ing in their pre­vi­ous tweet how NFTs were going to help fundrais­ing devel­op­ment, this time they are essen­tial­ly blam­ing fans for depriv­ing GSC Game World of a fraud­u­lent source of revenue.Zone con­tenant les pièc

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