GAMES: Steam Early Access loses an editor after developers report the presence of a school shooting stage.

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The tac­ti­cal first-per­son shoot­er from devel­op­er Void Inter­ac­tive which entered Ear­ly Access just days ago, will no longer be released by Team17. On Twit­ter, Void Inter­ac­tive said that the “mutu­al­ly agreed upon” deci­sion to go their sep­a­rate ways is “the right path for the future” of the game. Notably, it comes just days after a game devel­op­er indi­cat­ed that future stakes Up to date could include a lev­el set dur­ing a school shootout.

Cur­rent­ly in Steam Ear­ly Access, Ready or Not allows you to con­trol a SWAT mem­ber who, along­side a team of AI com­pan­ions or real play­ers, must “defuse hos­tile and con­flict­ual sit­u­a­tions” such as hostage tak­ing, etc. Com­ing into Ear­ly Access on Decem­ber 17, it already has over 8,500 reviews, most­ly pos­i­tive, and many see play­ers call­ing the game a wor­thy suc­ces­sor to the SWAT series. Nonethe­less, Void Inter­ac­tive and Team17 chose to go their sep­a­rate ways, now mak­ing Tac­ti­cal FPS an inde­pen­dent project.

It’s a curi­ous devel­op­ment, espe­cial­ly its tim­ing. When asked on Decem­ber 19 in the in-game sub­red­dit if Ready or Not should have a school shoot­ing mis­sion in the cam­paign, a devel­op­er at Void Inter­ac­tive with the user­name Grun­tr said “you bet­ter believe that okay “, every­thing except con­firm­ing the planned exis­tence of the mis­sion. Three days lat­er, the stu­dio ami­ca­bly sep­a­rat­ed from its pub­lish­er. Although this is not con­firmed, neti­zens believe it is because of the planned inclu­sion of this tier.

“Team17 Dig­i­tal and VOID Inter­ac­tive have mutu­al­ly agreed that Ready or Not will no longer be released by Team17 Dig­i­tal,” said a spokesper­son for Team17. “We wish the VOID Inter­ac­tive team all the best for the future and con­tin­ued devel­op­ment of the game. [We] have [no] fur­ther com­ments on this at this time.

It’s unclear exact­ly what the School Shoot­ing Mis­sion will be, if it makes its entry into the game. The Ready or Not Dis­cord is explod­ing with dis­cus­sions about the still hypo­thet­i­cal lev­el, with some play­ers sug­gest­ing it would be “cool.” to play, express­ing their ideas on what that should involve and decid­ing what equip­ment they would take with them.

Oth­ers denounce the pos­si­ble inclu­sion of the mis­sion, call­ing those who ask for it “fuck­ing nuts” while pon­tif­i­cat­ing on why it’s prob­lem­at­ic. The idea of ​​Ready or Not to ven­ture into the realm of school shoot­ings is not new.

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