Google Makes Explicit Images Blur By Default In Search

Today is Safer Inter­net Day, and in hon­or of this, Google is rolling out fea­tures to help you stay safer on the internet.

The com­pa­ny has announced that in the com­ing months, explic­it images will appear by default in search results for all users, even if they don’t have Safe­Search enabled.

The Safe­Search fil­ter is already enabled by default for reg­is­tered users under the age of 18.

If you don’t have a super­vised account, are logged out, or pre­fer to see things like butt in search results, you can adjust the set­tings (fil­ter for blur­ring vio­lent images also available).

Accord­ing to screen­shots released by Google, the blur option hides explic­it images, but not text or links. All three are hid­den by the filter.

Mean­while, Google is adding anoth­er lay­er of pro­tec­tion to its built-in pass­word man­ag­er in Chrome and Android.

The com­pa­ny says that if users have com­pat­i­ble com­put­ers, they will have the option to require bio­met­ric authen­ti­ca­tion before enter­ing pass­words stored in forms.

Google says the fea­ture will also allow users to “secure­ly pub­lish, copy, and edit” pass­words stored in their pass­word man­ag­er with­out hav­ing to enter the pri­ma­ry pass­word first.

It will also strength­en pri­va­cy pro­tec­tions for Google apps for iOS. Soon it will also be pos­si­ble to pro­tect apps with Face ID and keep data out of pry­ing eyes.

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