Ken Block, a professional rally driver and popular on YouTube, dies in a snowmobile accident

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Ken Block, a pro­fes­sion­al ral­ly dri­ver and YouTube star, died Mon­day in a snow­mo­bile acci­dent in Utah, offi­cials said.

he was 55 years old.

Bul­lock was dri­ving his snow­mo­bile down a steep slope in Wasatch Coun­ty’s Mill­hol­low neigh­bor­hood Mon­day after­noon when “the snow­mo­bile rolled over and land­ed on him,” the Wasatch Coun­ty Sher­if­f’s Office said.

Brock was pro­nounced dead at the scene.

Although he was rid­ing with a group, Bul­lock was alone when the acci­dent hap­pened, accord­ing to the sher­if­f’s office.

“Ken­neth is sad­dened to learn of his pass­ing, and his thoughts are with his deeply hurt fam­i­ly and friends,” the sher­if­f’s office said.

He is sur­vived by his wife, Lucy, and three children.

Ear­ly Mon­day morn­ing, Bul­lock post­ed a pho­to of him­self dri­ving in heavy snow to his Insta­gram story.

Block­’s team, Hooni­gan Rac­ing Divi­sion, con­firmed his death on social media.

“Ken was a vision­ary, a pio­neer, an icon and most of all, a father, a hus­band. He will be sore­ly missed,” the state­ment said.

Last week, Bul­lock wished his 7.9 mil­lion Insta­gram fol­low­ers a Mer­ry Christ­mas and shared a pho­to of his fam­i­ly spend­ing time at Bald­face Lodge in Canada.

He began his pro­fes­sion­al ral­ly career in 2005 and was Rook­ie of the Year at the Ral­ly Amer­i­ca Cham­pi­onship that sea­son (accord­ing to his biog­ra­phy on the rac­ing team’s web­site). Broc also com­pet­ed in the FIA World Ral­ly­cross Cham­pi­onship, win­ning sev­er­al X Games medals.

In addi­tion to his sport­ing prowess, he was also a YouTube star, famous for his gymkhana videos of him doing stunts behind the wheel. The num­ber of YouTube chan­nel sub­scribers is about 2 million.

The viral video spree led to the 2018 Ama­zon Prime series “The Gymkhana Files,” which fol­lowed Brock and the Hooni­gan Rac­ing divi­sion as they pro­duced videos and races.

Brock is also the co-founder of the sports­wear com­pa­ny DC Shoes.

X Games paid trib­ute to Brock on Mon­day, writ­ing, “One of the most impor­tant fig­ures in sports in the last 40 years, Ken inspired a gen­er­a­tion.” His cre­ativ­i­ty, inno­va­tion and busi­ness sense lit­er­al­ly changed the way peo­ple viewed action sports. ”

“Most impor­tant­ly, Ken was a loy­al father, hus­band and friend. My thoughts are with every­one who knew him. The lega­cy lives on,” he said in a statement.

The FIA World Ral­ly­cross Cham­pi­onship said Broc’s death “leaves a huge void in our sport”.

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