Manchester United fans will still be able to see Cristiano Ronaldo in 2023

Man­ches­ter Unit­ed fans will still be able to see Cris­tiano Ronal­do in 2023 on the club’s offi­cial calendar.

The depar­ture of the Por­tuguese strik­er last month came too late for a com­mer­cial replace­ment as Mr. January.

This made the £10.99 “fan-friend­ly prod­uct fea­tur­ing images of cur­rent Man­ches­ter Unit­ed play­ers” ter­ri­bly outdated.

Ronal­do, 37, has reached a “mutu­al­ly con­sen­su­al” sep­a­ra­tion agree­ment after crit­i­ciz­ing the club in an inter­view with Talk­TV’s Piers Morgan.

In an inter­view, he said he “does­n’t respect” direc­tor Erik Ten Hag.

The club are now look­ing to cash in the rest of Ronal­do’s inven­to­ry at bar­gain prices.

A T‑shirt that was £20 is now £5, and a mug that was £10 is now £5.

Key­chains that used to cost £5 are now £2 in the club shop and online shop.

Por­tu­gal’s star play­er, who is cur­rent­ly com­pet­ing in the Qatar World Cup, has joined Sau­di Ara­bi­a’s Al Nasr on a €200m deal, which includes wages and oth­er endorse­ments. increase.

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