Manchester United star Anthony suffers horrific accident crashing his BMW

Man­ches­ter Unit­ed strik­er Antho­ny had a hor­ri­fy­ing inci­dent on New Year’s Eve when he crashed his sporty BMW on the highway.

The Brazil­ian, who was play­ing in Erik Ten Hag’s Pre­mier League game against Wolves, wrecked the X6 dur­ing the day with roadworks.

The 20-year-old woman was not injured in the acci­dent, but she was left with a strong tremor. Oth­ers, on the oth­er hand, were not involved.

Police rushed to the scene on the M56 near the Brazil­ian play­er’s home in Hale, recov­ered the car and passed a breath­a­lyz­er test.

Antony pulled out of Unit­ed’s squad for a com­fort­able vic­to­ry over Bournemouth three days lat­er as he recov­ered from the incident.

Antho­ny vague­ly spoke of what hap­pened off the field after Fri­day’s FA Cup tie with Ever­ton. The match was a return to nor­mal­cy for the play­er after a dif­fi­cult year.

“First of all, there is the joy. I have set some goals for myself this sea­son and I think it is good to be able to score as soon as I start think­ing about my per­son­al goals. But of course the most impor­tant is Unit­ed. , ”Antho­ny told TNT Sport after Fri­day’s FA Cup match.

“I am relieved that there have been shock­ing events in the past few days, but I would like to refrain from com­ment­ing on what hap­pened. It was a per­son­al mat­ter, and it was very dif­fi­cult, but I will leave this as a thing of the past. I am very grate­ful to God.”

“I want to thank the club, the play­ers, the man­ag­er and every­one who has stood by me. It is water under a bridge now, but I am hap­py to have scored.”A lot of achieve­ments this year. It’s a year of vic­to­ry, so I want to keep it up.

“It was a very, very dif­fi­cult moment,” Antho­ny said. I know you love me.”

A source close to Antho­ny’s acci­dent told The Sun news­pa­per: “It was dark and rainy and he made a mis­take in judg­ment. He was shak­en, but for­tu­nate­ly no one was injured. There was nothing.”

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