Moisés Caicedo will stay out of training at Brighton until window transfer closes after requesting a transfer on Instagram

Brighton have told Arse­nal this morn­ing that they will not sell Moi­ses Caice­do this month, while ask­ing him not to attend train­ing until the win­dow closes.

Seag­ulls reject­ed a £60million bid from Arse­nal on Fri­day and told the Gun­ners in fur­ther talks this morn­ing that their star play­er is not going anywhere.

The 21-year-old mid­field­er is val­ued at over £80million and is expect­ed to receive anoth­er bid from North Lon­don, but own­er Tony Bloom had already turned down an offer from Chelsea in ear­ly Jan­u­ary. It sounds like you are pre­pared to decline fur­ther offers.

Seag­ulls reject­ed a £60million bid from Arse­nal on Fri­day morn­ing, with the 21-year-old Caice­do also announc­ing his depar­ture on social media that evening.

On Sat­ur­day night, it was revealed that Arse­nal had increased their offer to £70million, but Brighton has firm­ly declined.

With Brighton look­ing to qual­i­fy for Europe for the first time this sea­son, he does­n’t want to lose a star player.

Caice­do’s mes­sage was draft­ed by his new agent and mis­spelled his home­town. “I would like to thank Mr Bloom and Brighton for giv­ing me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to come to the Pre­mier League and I have always done my best for them,” he said. Always smil­ing and play­ing soc­cer with all my heart.

“I am the youngest of ten chil­dren who lived in pover­ty in San­ta Domin­go, Ecuador.

“My dream is to become the most bril­liant play­er in Ecuador’s history.

“We are proud to bring to Brighton a record num­ber of trans­fers that will allow for rein­vest­ment and the con­tin­ued suc­cess of the club.

“My fans have me in their hearts and will always have them in me.” I think.

Brighton have asked their stars to miss train­ing until a dead­line of 1 Feb­ru­ary and not to play in the FA Cup clash with Liv­er­pool on Sunday.

A few days’ rest is hoped the mid­field­er, who missed out on a dream deal, will return in the right frame of mind for the sec­ond half of the campaign.

Sixth-placed in the Pre­mier League, the Seag­ulls seem reluc­tant to sell their best play­ers, giv­en that Europe is a real­is­tic goal this season.

And unlike the sum­mer sale of Yves Bis­souma and Marc Cucurel­la, Arse­nal approached at this time, leav­ing lit­tle time to find a replacement.

Arse­nal could still come back with a high­er offer to test Brighton’s resolve, but the Seag­ulls have a his­to­ry of not being threat­ened by a deal that does­n’t suit their terms.

The trans­fer comes just hours after man­ag­er Rober­to De Zer­bi praised Caice­do’s focus and atti­tude and said he would be com­fort­able with the Ecuador inter­na­tion­al in tomor­row’s cup game against Liverpool.

Brighton want Caice­do to use the off-sea­son to focus on what could be a his­toric end to the sea­son, with De Zer­bi’s team cur­rent­ly in sixth place.

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