MUSIC: Aaron Carter Brother of Backstreet Boys singer Nick dies at 34

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Singer and rap­per Aaron Carter has died at the age of 34.

He is the younger broth­er of Nick Carter of the Back­street Boys.

Accord­ing to the web­site TMZ, Carter was found dead in the bath­room of his Lan­cast­er, Calif. home on Sat­ur­day morn­ing. A rep­re­sen­ta­tive for his team con­firmed his death, the PA reported.

“It’s a very bad time right now and I’m try­ing to fig­ure out what hap­pened and what caused it,” they said.

“We are as dev­as­tat­ed as you are and we hope his fans are think­ing of his family.”

TMZ also report­ed that the Los Ange­les Coun­ty Police arrived at the scene after receiv­ing a call about the drown­ing around 11:00 local time.

Carter began his career with var­i­ous tours and con­certs as the open­ing act for the boy band Back­street Boys, and has also had a suc­cess­ful solo career.

In the late ’90s and ear­ly ’00s, he sold four mil­lion-sell­ing albums, one of which was when he was just nine years old.

Her sec­ond album, Aaron’s Par­ty (Come Get It), was released in 2000 and was cer­ti­fied triple platinum.

After this album, he returned as sup­port for the Back­street Boys and Brit­ney Spears on their ‘Oops! I Did It Again’ tour.

Aaron Carter is the younger broth­er of Nick of the Back­street Boys.
Grow­ing up, Carter turned to rap­ping, appear­ing in Broad­way musi­cals and the US TV show Danc­ing With The Stars.

He faced a series of prob­lems, entered rehab mul­ti­ple times, and filed for bank­rupt­cy in 2013 with mil­lions in debt (most­ly tax-related).

He has also repeat­ed­ly clashed with author­i­ties for his drug pos­ses­sion and reck­less driving.

Ear­li­er this year, he told the Dai­ly Mail that he want­ed to stop being seen as a “train wreck.”

“I’m not who some peo­ple por­tray me to be,” he told the mag­a­zine. If you say “train acci­dent”, I have expe­ri­enced “train acci­dent” many times, and I have been derailed by var­i­ous things.

Carter’s son, Prince, was born in 2021, and accord­ing to The Hol­ly­wood Reporter, he entered rehab ear­li­er this year to gain custody.

Fol­low­ing the announce­ment of Carter’s death, Prince’s moth­er, Melanie Mar­tin, released a state­ment say­ing, “We are still com­ing to terms with this unfor­tu­nate reality.”

“Your thoughts and prayers are great­ly appre­ci­at­ed,” she added.

90s pop stars New Kids on the Block have paid trib­ute to Carter’s death, call­ing it “shocked and saddened”.

Oth­er celebri­ties who were active in the same era as Carter have also post­ed mes­sages to remem­ber the deceased.

Actress Hilary Duff said Carter “has an absolute radi­at­ing charm”, while Tyler Hilton of One Tree Hill said the news of his death was “heart­break­ing for him”.

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