Cyclone Batsirai kills 120 in.

The death toll from Cyclone Bat­sir­ai in Mada­gas­car rose to 120 on Fri­day as tens of thou­sands of peo­ple need­ed shel­ter after their homes were destroyed.

The nation­al dis­as­ter relief agency said 87 of the deaths occurred in one area: the Ikon­go dis­trict in south­east­ern Mada­gas­car. It said ear­li­er this week that it was still gath­er­ing details about what hap­pened in Ikongo.

The lat­est update increas­es the death toll from the 111 report­ed ear­li­er Friday.

The agency said the cyclone left about 124,000 peo­ple with their homes dam­aged or destroyed, and some 30,000 oth­ers dis­placed and camped at 108 sites.

The cyclone hit the Indi­an Ocean island late Sat­ur­day, slam­ming into the south­east coast before reced­ing late Sunday.

Bat­sir­ai was Mada­gas­car’s sec­ond destruc­tive storm in two weeks, fol­low­ing Trop­i­cal Storm Ana, which killed at least 38 people.

The Ger­man pri­vate aid orga­ni­za­tion Welthunger­hil­fe said it could take up to five more days to reach all affect­ed vil­lages from Bat­sir­ai because of road clo­sures caused by the land­slides. Res­i­dents of the com­mu­ni­ties are still trapped by high water.

Res­cue teams from Ger­many, France and oth­er coun­tries are sup­port­ing local efforts.

Two weeks ago, Trop­i­cal Storm Ana caused severe dam­age in Mada­gas­car, Mozam­bique, Malawi, Zim­bab­we and Zambia.

The island nation of Mada­gas­car, with a pop­u­la­tion of near­ly 30 mil­lion, was already expe­ri­enc­ing food short­ages in the south as a result of severe and pro­longed drought.

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