NEWS: North Korea
Kim Jong-Un sentenced gardeners to hard labor for flowers that didn’t bloom.

Kim Jong-un report­ed­ly sent a group of gar­den­ers to labor camps because their flow­ers did not bloom on time.

The North Kore­an dic­ta­tor report­ed­ly made the deci­sion after being informed that the “Kimjongilia” bego­nias — a flower named after his late father Kim Jong-il — would not be ready to mark the for­mer lead­er’s birthday.

The flow­ers were to be the focus of a major cel­e­bra­tion on Feb­ru­ary 16, known as Shin­ing Star Day.

Accord­ing to reports, a man in his 50s from Sam­su Coun­ty — iden­ti­fied as Han — was the man­ag­er of a green­house that grows Kim­il­sun­gias and Kimjongilias, and was sen­tenced to six months in a labor camp.

Kimjongilias, also known as the “immor­tal flower,” were cre­at­ed by Japan­ese botanist Kamo Mototeru to mark Jong-il’s birth­day in 1988.

How­ev­er, since his death in 2011, the flower has tak­en on much more significance.

Last month, Han was ordered to make sure the flow­ers were ready for a large dis­play to mark both Sun Day (a day to mark the birth­day of North Kore­an founder Kim Il-sung) and Shin­ing Star Day.

To ensure that the spe­cial flow­ers grow prop­er­ly, the tem­per­a­ture and humid­i­ty of the green­house must be care­ful­ly monitored.

How­ev­er, due to a lack of fire­wood, this was not pos­si­ble and they did not bloom in time, and the gar­den­ers were then accused of neglect­ing the flow­ers and punished.

A source told Dai­ly NK News, “The eco­nom­ic activ­i­ty has decreased sharply due to the strength­en­ing of the coun­try’s emer­gency dis­ease con­trol mea­sures, which led to the neglect of many green­hous­es in Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia.

“But now they are sud­den­ly say­ing that Kimjongilia flow­ers must be grown in time for the event, so how is Han sup­posed to grow them?”

The source con­tin­ued, “Oth­er employ­ees have been sanctioned.

“A florist named Kim [in her 40s] was called every day to the coun­ty par­ty com­mit­tee to report on the con­di­tion of the flow­ers and write self-crit­i­cism reports.”

A man known as Choi, in charge of the boil­ers in the green­hous­es, was also sen­tenced to three months in the labor camps for not “set­ting the tem­per­a­ture correctly.”

The dif­fi­cul­ties of grow­ing Kim­il­sun­gias and Kimjongilias are not new, so they are often import­ed from China.

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