NEWS: Sweden
A woman who would like to have the world’s biggest butt hasn’t had a partner in seven years.

Natasha Crown, 29, from Gothen­burg, recent­ly appeared on the YouTube show, Hooked on the Look, to under­take a blind date and hope­ful­ly wow the poten­tial love of her life with her extreme looks and personality.

The influ­encer, who has over two mil­lion fol­low­ers on Insta­gram, revealed that she has been sin­gle for sev­er­al years and attrib­uted her unlucky dat­ing sequence to men who found her intimidating.

Natasha said, “My last rela­tion­ship was sev­en years ago. I’m pret­ty extreme, so I think peo­ple are afraid of me.

She reg­u­lar­ly shares shots of her impres­sive butt on Insta­gram, where she has near­ly 2 mil­lion fol­low­ers and says she has “more haters than fans.”
“It’s scary for men. You have my per­son­al­i­ty and then you have my body and then you have every­thing else on top of that. It’s extreme.

Not one to set­tle for medi­oc­rity, Natasha also shared that she has no plans to stop her body mod­i­fi­ca­tions any­time soon.

“I’m going to have the biggest bum in the world. That’s my goal and I’m going to achieve it.

“When I was 20, I had my first surgery and it was a BBL. I had my last Brazil­ian butt lift a month ago and it was my fifth. And soon I will have my sixth.

Pri­or to her surg­eries, Natasha had a much small­er waist­line but decid­ed to change after dis­cov­er­ing that “big­ger is better.”

Natasha delib­er­ate­ly indulges in a high calo­rie diet to make her butt as large as pos­si­ble.
Speak­ing about the immense cost of her back obses­sion, Natasha explained, “I would spend about $150,000 on my surgery.”

Although excit­ed about her blind date on the show, her part­ner admit­ted to being “shocked”.

 to get his hands on it
He said, “I’ve nev­er talked about a per­son known for hav­ing the biggest butt in the world.”

Describ­ing Natasha as a city girl and him­self as a small town boy, his date con­clud­ed that the cou­ple came from “two dif­fer­ent worlds.”

To main­tain her physique, Natasha exer­cis­es dai­ly in addi­tion to overeat­ing and says she feels “healthy.”

For­tu­nate­ly for Natasha, she did­n’t feel the spark either and admit­ted that a man has to be able to “han­dle it.”

She said, “I under­stand, it’s too much for him, it’s hard to han­dle all the thick­ness, all the curves in the right places.

The social media star had pre­vi­ous­ly delib­er­ate­ly gained four stone to enlarge her bot­tom with the risky fat trans­fer procedure.

She appeared on This Morn­ing in Sep­tem­ber 2018 to dis­cuss her plans to have a fourth pro­ce­dure, before which she intend­ed to stack more than three extra stones so that more fat could be trans­ferred to her but­tocks — in an effort to make her dream come true.

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