Wisconsin anchor commits suicide after fiancé calls off wedding

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A pop­u­lar Wis­con­sin anchor has tak­en his own life after send­ing an email to his friend and ex-fiancé, describ­ing the agony of his life before com­mit­ting suicide.

Neena Pacholke, 27, com­mit­ted sui­cide last month in Wausau, Wis­con­sin at the home she and her ex-girl­friend Kyle Haase bought togeth­er in July.

Accord­ing to a police report, police were dis­patched to their home after a friend called Nina “sui­ci­dal via text message.”

Her text read, “He (Kyle) hates me and would feel like a mil­lion bucks if I dis­ap­peared from his life.”

She also sent her last email to Kyle, who broke up with Neena sev­en weeks before her wed­ding, say­ing, “I’m sor­ry I did this, but I can’t take this pain anymore.”

When the police arrived at her house, there was a noise fol­lowed by the sound of some­thing falling. By the time they entered, Nina had already shot her­self in the head with her pistol.

Police found a receipt show­ing that she bought the weapon 90 min­utes before she killed herself.

Also, she did a Google search the night before and found out she was look­ing into ways to end her life.

Pacholke was a point guard for USF from 2013–2016. The school’s girls’ bas­ket­ball team said last month they were “bro­ken by her death”.

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