Man becomes pregnant after a one night stand.

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A trans­gen­der man has revealed how he got preg­nant dur­ing the tran­si­tion after hav­ing an overnight affair with a man.

Ash Patrick Schade, 28, of Hunt­ing­ton, West Vir­ginia, had been in tran­si­tion for two years and was tak­ing testos­terone and estro­gen block­ers when he found out he was preg­nant in Feb­ru­ary 2020, fol­low­ing a “Grindr hookup”.

“It nev­er occurred to me that I could get preg­nant while tak­ing testos­terone and estro­gen block­ers because it’s such a rare event,” Ash explained.

After find­ing out he was preg­nant, Ash, a men­tal health work­er and doc­tor­al stu­dent, stopped hor­mone ther­a­py to allow him to bear a child.

A month after find­ing out he was preg­nant, he met her hus­band, Jor­dan, 28. His daugh­ter Ronan was born in Octo­ber 2020.

The cou­ple are rais­ing one-year-old Ronan togeth­er and Ash, who has had surgery to remove his breasts after birth, says he’s hold­ing back from hav­ing sex reas­sign­ment surgery so they can have more chil­dren together.

After find­ing out he was preg­nant, Ash, a men­tal health work­er, stopped hor­mone ther­a­py and gave birth to daugh­ter Ronan in Octo­ber 2020. Pho­tographed while pregnant.

Ash, who was pre­vi­ous­ly mar­ried to anoth­er man, explained, “I was going through a rough time between 2019 and 2020 and had men­tal health issues due to a divorce.

“I end­ed up log­ging into Grindr and acci­den­tal­ly got pregnant

“It was a huge shock, but I fell in love with my bump and went through the preg­nan­cy, despite strug­gling with dys­pho­ria and med­ical risks.”

Ash said he “felt like he had been in the wrong body” for “as long as he could remem­ber” and was sent to con­ver­sion ther­a­py by his par­ents as a child in the city. hope that would “fix” him.

“I hid my breasts and iden­ti­fied myself as a boy in school and passed Ash, and I was wear­ing dark goth­ic clothes to hide my appear­ance,” he recalls.

“Until one day my moth­er, who does­n’t wish to be named, sent me to school in a pink two-roomed for pho­to day and my teacher said loud and clear that I was in fact a girl called Ashley.

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