A man arrested for the murder of two children, aged 8 and 11, and a student after breaking into the family home.

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A New Jer­sey man has been con­vict­ed of the 2016 mur­der of two chil­dren and a stu­dent after he broke into a house, tor­tured, stabbed the chil­dren to death and shot the stu­dent dead because he was angry at a post­ing on Face­book, pros­e­cu­tors said on Saturday.

Jere­my Arring­ton, 31, has been found guilty of a num­ber of charges relat­ed to the Newark home inva­sion, where author­i­ties said he tor­tured six peo­ple, killing three of them — two of them chil­dren – and stabbed the oth­er three, accord­ing to Essex Coun­ty. prosecutor.

Arring­ton stabbed 8‑year-old Aer­i­al Lit­tle White­hurst and 11-year-old Al-Jahon White­hurst to death before shoot­ing 23-year-old Sya­sia McBor­roughs to death.

McBor­roughs was a col­lege stu­dent who had vis­it­ed the fam­i­ly at the time of the mur­ders, author­i­ties said.

CBS New York, how­ev­er, report­ed that their moth­er, 29, was among three injured in the attack.

Arring­ton stabbed 8‑year-old Aer­i­al Lit­tle White­hurst and 11-year-old Al-Jahon White­hurst to death before shoot­ing 23-year-old Sya­sia McBor­roughs dead.

Two 13-year-old twins, a boy and a girl, were also stabbed in the bru­tal attacks but sur­vived, accord­ing to reports.

Offi­cials said Arring­ton became furi­ous and came after one of the stab­bing vic­tims, after he alleged­ly repost­ed a police alert on Face­book that named Arring­ton as a sus­pect in an ear­li­er shoot­ing and sex­u­al assault, accord­ing to .

In Novem­ber 2016, Arring­ton broke into the White­hurst res­i­dence with a loaded gun before tying up every­one in the house.

After tying them up and leav­ing them defense­less, he then tor­tured them with kitchen knives, pros­e­cu­tors say.

At the time of the crimes, Arring­ton was also want­ed on charges of sex­u­al assault and aggra­vat­ed assault for an unre­lat­ed inci­dent in Octo­ber 2016, a month before the mur­ders, Essex Coun­ty Act­ing Dis­trict Attor­ney Car­olyn A Mur­ray said dur­ing a court hear­ing. a press con­fer­ence short­ly after the stabbing.

He was even­tu­al­ly appre­hend­ed after a stand­off, police told CBS New York. Sev­er­al mem­bers of the SWAT team respond­ed after learn­ing that Arring­ton was bar­ri­cad­ed inside a build­ing in Newark.

At the time, Newark May­or Ras Bara­ka called the attack “one of the most trag­ic and sav­age” he had ever seen.

Police had offered a $20,000 reward for infor­ma­tion lead­ing to Arring­ton’s arrest pri­or to his capture.

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