Pro surfers can now wear an Apple Watch while competing

It won’t be long before pro­fes­sion­al surfers wear Apple Watch­es while com­pet­ing. The World Surf League (WSL) has des­ig­nat­ed this wear­able as offi­cial equipment.

Accord­ing to the orga­ni­za­tion, the Apple Watch is “the first time it’s been used as offi­cial com­pe­ti­tion equip­ment in a pro­fes­sion­al sports environment.”

Pri­or to each heat, all Cham­pi­onship Tour surfers will receive an Apple Watch pre-loaded with the new WSL Surfer App.

It seems that it will be able to be used to grasp the score, wave pri­or­i­ty, time, etc. Run­ning on the Apple Watch Series 8 and Apple Watch Ultra, the app syncs with WSL’s real-time scor­ing sys­tem. WSL says the Apple Watch is the best choice, thanks to its dura­bil­i­ty, mobile data con­nec­tion, and large, bright screen.

“Some­times the sound of the wind and waves obscures the announc­er dur­ing the race, which means you miss impor­tant infor­ma­tion,” said 2019 WSL Cham­pi­on and Olympic Gold Medal­ist Íta­lo Fer­reira. said in a statement.

“It’s hard to see the beach in chal­leng­ing con­di­tions and some­times you lose a sleeve due to pri­or­i­ty penal­ties. Not hav­ing to rely on see­ing the beach or lis­ten­ing to the announc­er is a big dif­fer­ence and elim­i­nates guess­work can.

The WSL has­n’t said which mod­el of Apple Watch the con­tes­tants will use, but we think the Ultra makes the most sense.

It has the largest screen of any Apple Watch to date and is the most rugged ver­sion the com­pa­ny has ever made. Apple says the Ultra has more accu­rate GPS and water resis­tance than oth­er models.

The WSL Cham­pi­onship Tour 2023 kicks off this week­end on Oahu, Hawaii. Those inter­est­ed in how Apple Watch is being used in pro­fes­sion­al sports can watch the event on YouTube, the WSL app or the orga­ni­za­tion’s website.

Mean­while, the sec­ond sea­son of the doc­u­men­tary series Make or Break, which fol­lows the play­ers of the Cham­pi­onship Tour, will air on Apple TV+ in February.

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