SCIENCE: Scientists have found out when the sun will go out.

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Sci­en­tists believe they have under­stood when the sun will go out / explode thanks to a bet­ter under­stand­ing of nuclear reac­tions and fusion.

Some smart clogs at the Smith­son­ian Astro­phys­i­cal Obser­va­to­ry, Har­vard Col­lege Obser­va­to­ry and the Cen­ter for Astro­physics have under­tak­en com­plex cal­cu­la­tions to deter­mine when the Sun will decide to give way, as report­ed by the Dai­ly Star.

Thanks to new research, sci­en­tists have deter­mined that our sun is “mid­dle aged” and not, before ask­ing, just because he is wear­ing socks and sandals.

Pao­la Tes­ta is one of the very smart sci­en­tists work­ing on the project and explained how new dis­cov­er­ies in recent years have made it eas­i­er for them to cal­cu­late when dis­as­ter is expect­ed to occur.

He said: “Much of the sci­ence is rel­a­tive­ly new, as in the last cen­tu­ry, because an inte­gral part of under­stand­ing how a star works comes from under­stand­ing nuclear reac­tions and fusion.

“Before the 1930s, one of the main ideas about how stars worked was that ener­gy came only from grav­i­ta­tion­al energy.

“By bring­ing togeth­er a lot of dif­fer­ent infor­ma­tion from many dif­fer­ent stars, astronomers and astro­physi­cists could build a mod­el for the evo­lu­tion of stars.

“This gives us a pret­ty accu­rate esti­mate of the age of the Sun.”

Don’t wor­ry though, it won’t be any­time soon and we can still com­plain about the heat for two weeks of the year.

Thus, it has been revealed that the end of the Sun will occur in about five bil­lion years.

Clear­ly enough, nei­ther of us will be around by then and be able to put it on our Ins­ta stories.

More recent­ly, how­ev­er, it was dis­cov­ered that a huge aster­oid is expect­ed to fly “close” to Earth ear­ly next year.

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