SPORT: Football
China will cancel the broadcast of the Premier League this weekend to block planned solidarity protests for Ukraine.

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Chi­na is con­sid­er­ing pulling its TV cov­er­age of the Pre­mier League this week­end, with the lat­ter plan­ning to show more sup­port for Ukraine.

The BBC says Chi­na’s actions are the result of elite plans to demon­strate yet anoth­er show of sol­i­dar­i­ty with Ukraine after Rus­sia invad­ed the country.

Chi­na has denounced the eco­nom­ic sanc­tions imposed by the Unit­ed King­dom and the EU against Rus­sia and accused the Unit­ed States and its allies of pro­vok­ing Moscow.

The Asian giants plan to show fur­ther sup­port for Vladimir Putin’s regime by giv­ing up show­ing this week­end’s fix­tures in the Eng­lish top flight.

The cap­tains of the 20 Pre­mier League clubs will wear spe­cial arm­bands in Ukrain­ian col­ors and sup­port­ers will be encour­aged to join play­ers, man­agers, match offi­cials and club staff in a moment of reflec­tion and sol­i­dar­i­ty ahead of kick-off. mail.

The large screens on the pitch will dis­play ‘Foot­ball stands togeth­er’ on a blue and yel­low back­ground, match­ing the col­ors of the Ukrain­ian flag.

The words will also be dis­played on LED perime­ter signs dur­ing match­es, which start with Leices­ter v Leeds at 12.30pm on Sat­ur­day until Mon­day night’s match between Tot­ten­ham and Everton.

Addi­tion­al­ly, the sol­i­dar­i­ty mes­sage will be vis­i­ble to fans around the world on Pre­mier League dig­i­tal chan­nels. Logos and pro­files on these plat­forms will change to rep­re­sent the col­ors of the Ukrain­ian flag.

Large screens on the pitch will dis­play ‘Foot­ball stands togeth­er’ against a blue and yel­low back­ground this week­end in the Eng­lish top flight

A state­ment from the gov­ern­ing body read: “The Pre­mier League and our clubs unre­served­ly reject Rus­si­a’s actions and will show their sup­port for the peo­ple of Ukraine in all match­es this weekend.”

“We call for peace and our hearts go out to all those affected.”

Mean­while, anti-war and sup­port­ing Ukraine ban­ners and play­ers drap­ing the coun­try’s flag around them as they exit are just some of the actions tak­en dur­ing last week­end’s fixtures.

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