SPORT: Football CRISTIANO RONALDO TRAINING Ronaldo arrives at Man Utd training in a new $203,000 Cadillac Escalade bought by his girlfriend for his birthday

Cris­tiano Ronal­do turned 37 on Sat­ur­day and his preg­nant part­ner Georgina Rodriguez gave him a stun­ning Cadil­lac Escalade and a giant cake.
the car in ques­tion costs a lit­tle over 200,000 dol­lars and the Man­ches­ter Unit­ed star did not hes­i­tate to board it to go to training.

She post­ed a video of Ronal­do receiv­ing the gift and the chil­dren enjoy­ing the lav­ish inte­ri­or of the huge eight-seater on Instagram.

Cris­tiano already has an impres­sive fleet of super­cars — as Rodriguez’s recent Net­flix show ‘I Am Georgina’ shows.

But with their grow­ing fam­i­ly, the Cadil­lac Escalade will allow Rodriguez and their iden­ti­cal twin Por­tuguese Body­guards to school in com­fort and style.

A pro­mo­tion­al adver­tise­ment for the car says, “If you’re look­ing for a car to host a small ten­nis tour­na­ment, look no fur­ther than the Cadil­lac Escalade.

“There’s no deny­ing that the Cadil­lac Escalade is pret­ty big. At almost 6 meters long, it’s almost the same length as your aver­age giraffe.

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