SPORT: Tyson promises to knock out UFC champion Francis Ngannou.

Tyson Fury promised Fran­cis Ngan­nou he would knock him out after the UFC cham­pi­on appeared to accept a fight.

Ear­li­er today, Fury shared a pho­to of him­self stand­ing along­side heavy­weight cham­pi­on Ngan­nou ask­ing, “Who would love to see me fight that beast @ufc glove box­ing rules?”

Fury tagged UFC boss Dana White and Ngan­nou in the tweet.

In response to the tweet, Ngan­nou did an about-face and replied: ‘What about the rules of MMA with box­ing gloves? I can do you this favor. ”

Fury then replied, “You want to enter my world call­ing me and wilder at a box­ing match. Which I can guar­an­tee you would get knocked out and also paid your high­est purse to be! So think about it.

Ngan­nou has yet to respond to the offer, but it’s fair to say that MMA and box­ing fans will be watch­ing close­ly to see how it goes.

Speak­ing to JOE about the pos­si­bil­i­ty that he will fight in a cage soon, he said: “With the right train­ing he’s doing real­ly well.

“I’ve seen him excel in dif­fer­ent sports, wrestling. I kind of got a feel for what Tyson was from there. And he likes to get involved, Tyson, and I’ve known what he’s been like since he was a kid.

“He can use more than his hands, believe it or not. And he’s quick and light on his feet. And his bal­ance is good. And I think if a top MMA coach hired him, he could do some great things with him.Ask Dar­ren Till, he did the job with him.

He added, “I think the hard­er it gets on Tyson the bet­ter he likes him. It brings what is called some­thing dif­fer­ent to his work, does­n’t it? It gives him more goals to strive for and more things to look at and tackle.

“And I think that’s what Tyson wants. And when he final­ly retires from box­ing, he’ll prob­a­bly go and prob­a­bly come back to box­ing, what­ev­er he does. But he’ll com­mit to that, you will see.

Tyson Fury — aka the Gyp­sy King — is an unstop­pable force of nature — and he has a net worth to reflect it.

His net worth increased six-fold when he was crowned heavy­weight world cham­pi­on for the sec­ond time in 2020, accord­ing to The Look­ing Glass and his lat­est win over Deon­tay Wilder only increased his bank bal­ance. Fury wast­ed no time in cel­e­brat­ing his lat­est vic­to­ry and went out rav­ing in Las Vegas after the fight (only Fury could get through an 11 round fight and find the ener­gy for a rave).

From his last fight with Wilder, he was expect­ed to bring in 60% of the income, which stands at around £ 22million.

Between 2019–2020, the self-pro­claimed Gyp­sy King has tak­en in £ 57.35million in fights, accord­ing to The Mir­ror which report­ed the lat­est accounts from Fury’s company.

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