TECH: A new type of biology-inspired aqueous circuit could revolutionize computing

The future of neural network computing may be a little murkier than we expected
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The future of neur­al net­work com­put­ing may be a lit­tle murki­er than we expected.

A team of physi­cists has suc­cess­ful­ly devel­oped a proces­sor “ion­ic cir­cuit” that uses the move­ment of charged atoms and mol­e­cules in aque­ous solu­tions rather than elec­trons in sol­id-state semiconductors.

The device could be the next step in brain-like com­put­ing, they say, because this form is clos­er to how the brain com­mu­ni­cates information.

In a new paper, a team led by physi­cist Woo-Bin Jung at the John A. Paul­son School of Engi­neer­ing and Applied Sci­ences (SEAS) at Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty says, “Ion­ic cir­cuits in aque­ous solu­tions uti­lize ions as charge car­ri­ers for sig­nal pro­cess­ing. I am aim­ing for,” he said.

“Here we report an aque­ous ion­ic cir­cuit… Demon­stra­tion of a func­tion­al ion­ic cir­cuit capa­ble of ana­log com­pu­ta­tion is a step towards more advanced aque­ous ionics.”

Crit­i­cal to sig­nal­ing in the brain is the move­ment of charged mol­e­cules called ions through liq­uid media. Repli­cat­ing the brain’s incred­i­ble pro­cess­ing pow­er is extreme­ly dif­fi­cult, but sci­en­tists won­dered if a sim­i­lar sys­tem of push­ing ions into an aque­ous solu­tion could be used for computing.

In this case, it will be slow­er than tra­di­tion­al sil­i­con-based com­put­ing, but it could have inter­est­ing advantages.

For exam­ple, ions can be made from dif­fer­ent mol­e­cules, each with dif­fer­ent prop­er­ties and can be used in dif­fer­ent ways.

But before that, sci­en­tists have to prove it works.

This is what Jung and oth­ers have been work­ing on. First, we designed the func­tion of the ion tran­sis­tor, a device that switch­es sig­nals and sup­plies pow­er. Recent­ly, he suc­ceed­ed in com­bin­ing hun­dreds of such tran­sis­tors to func­tion as an ion circuit.

A tran­sis­tor con­sists of a small disc-shaped elec­trode in the cen­ter, sur­round­ed by two con­cen­tric ring-shaped elec­trodes, called a “bul­l’s eye” elec­trode arrange­ment. It inter­acts with aque­ous solu­tions of quinone molecules.

Apply­ing a volt­age to the cen­tral disk gen­er­ates a cur­rent of hydro­gen ions in the quinone solu­tion. Mean­while, two ring elec­trodes adjust the pH of the gat­ing solu­tion to increase or decrease the ion­ic current.

This tran­sis­tor per­forms a phys­i­cal mul­ti­pli­ca­tion of the disk volt­age with a “weight” para­me­ter set at the gate of the ring pair to pro­duce a response such as ion current.

How­ev­er, neur­al net­works rely heav­i­ly on a math­e­mat­i­cal oper­a­tion called “matrix mul­ti­pli­ca­tion” to per­form mul­ti­ple multiplications.

There­fore, the research team arranged 16 × 16 tran­sis­tors and designed them so that they can per­form arith­metic mul­ti­pli­ca­tion, and cre­at­ed an ion cir­cuit that can per­form matrix multiplication.

“In arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence neur­al net­works, matrix mul­ti­pli­ca­tion is the most com­mon com­pu­ta­tion,” says Jung. “Our ion­ic cir­cuit per­forms matrix growth in water in an ana­logue man­ner that relies entire­ly on elec­tro­chem­i­cal mechanics.”

Of course, this tech­nique has impor­tant lim­i­ta­tions. Since the 16 cur­rents can­not be solved sep­a­rate­ly, the oper­a­tions had to be done sequen­tial­ly rather than simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, slow­ing down the already slow tech­nol­o­gy significantly.

But its suc­cess is a step towards more advanced ion com­put­ing. Only by look­ing at the prob­lem can the solu­tion be found.

The next step is to intro­duce a wider range of mol­e­cules into the sys­tem and see if the cir­cuit can han­dle more com­plex information.

“To date, we have only used three or four ion­ic species, such as hydro­gen ions and quinone ions, to enable gat­ing and ion trans­port in aque­ous ion tran­sis­tors,” says Jung.

“It will be very inter­est­ing to see how we can take more diverse ion species and use them to enrich the infor­ma­tion con­tent to be processed.”

The ulti­mate goal, the researchers say, is not to com­pete with or replace elec­tron­ics, but to com­ple­ment them, per­haps in the form of a hybrid tech­nol­o­gy that does both.

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