U.K. : A 3‑year-old child left ‘all day’ in a hot and humid car with a temperature of 34 ° C is found dead

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A tod­dler has died after being trapped in a burn­ing car in Sydney.

New South Wales para­medics found a 3‑year-old uncon­scious and pro­nounced him dead at the scene.

Police said a man the child knew rang the alarm after they got back to the car.

The boy was there all day.

“A Con­sta­ble at Camp­bel­town Police Area Com­mand was informed that the child had been in the vehi­cle all day,” said a NSW Police spokesperson.

“A male acquain­tance of the child who owns the car set off the alarm when he returned to the car.

“The scene of the inci­dent has been con­firmed and the cir­cum­stances of the inci­dent are under investigation.

“The man was tak­en to Camp­bel­town Police Sta­tion and is coop­er­at­ing with the police.”

The tragedy took place in a scorch­ing Syd­ney with tem­per­a­tures exceed­ing 30 degrees Celsius.

Accord­ing to data from the Japan Mete­o­ro­log­i­cal Agency, the max­i­mum tem­per­a­ture near the site was 33.9 degrees Cel­sius at around 4:51 pm.

Accord­ing to child safe­ty char­i­ty Kid­safe, more than 5,000 chil­dren in Aus­tralia need to be res­cued from hot cars each year.

Most are infants.

“Leav­ing a child alone in a car, even for a short time, is life-threatening.

“Chil­dren are par­tic­u­lar­ly at risk.”

In Novem­ber, a girl died of heat stroke in Japan after spend­ing almost a day in a scorch­ing mini­van her father for­got to send to school.

A girl whose father for­got to send her to school died of heat­stroke after she spent almost a day in a burn­ing minivan.

The 2‑year-old vic­tim, Seira Fuchiga­mi, was left in a car in Japan after her 33-year-old father for­got to drop her off at kinder­garten in the morning.

Her father, who asked to remain anony­mous, told Osa­ka Pre­fec­tur­al Police that he left home at 8 a.m. on Sat­ur­day, Novem­ber 12, tak­ing his three chil­dren with him.

At the end of the day, around 5pm, I went to pick up the chil­dren from a school in Kishi­wa­da City.

How­ev­er, although she was informed by staff that Seira had been rest­ing all day, she was slow to real­ize her mistake.

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