U.K. : Mother who believed she had a “baby brain” dies after half a year

The trag­ic death of a new mom who blamed her dizzi­ness on her “baby brain”.

Ane­ka John­ston, 33, said she ini­tial­ly sur­vived her fre­quent bouts of dizzi­ness, but she col­lapsed while hold­ing her daugh­ter, Sien­na, who was 6 months old at the time. 

The for­mer dietit­ian was rushed to the hos­pi­tal in June 2019 when she began to faint, and it was even­tu­al­ly revealed by her doc­tors that she had a ter­mi­nal brain tumor.

“Ane­ka want­ed to see her daugh­ter grow up,” she said.

Her doc­tors ini­tial­ly blamed her dizzi­ness on the her­pes sim­plex virus and put her on antibiotics.

How­ev­er, fur­ther tests revealed she had stage 4 glioblas­toma, a pro­gres­sive can­cer that begins in the brain and spinal cord.

Glioblas­toma is the most com­mon brain tumor in adults, with approx­i­mate­ly 2,500 cas­es diag­nosed each year in the UK.

Accord­ing to the NHS, there is cur­rent­ly no cure for the disease.

Alan, Aneka’s child­hood friend, said, “There was fear in her eyes, like any 33-year-old, she was frightened.

“All I want­ed was to be her moth­er, to be with Sien­na on her 18th birth­day and to see her get mar­ried,” she added.

Alan, 38, and Ane­ka met when she was 17 and Alan was 18, and “love at first sight” was said to have occurred dur­ing her army vacation.

She got mar­ried in 2015 and lat­er gave birth to Sien­na (4 years old) on Octo­ber 13, 2018.

After her diag­no­sis, Anneka’s health dete­ri­o­rat­ed and she spent her final months in hospital.

Even­tu­al­ly, she was trans­ferred to Dum­fries and Gal­loway Roy­al Infir­mary, where she remained in her pal­lia­tive care ward, with Alan vis­it­ing her frequently.

Alan said she “can only see the real Ane­ka for 30 sec­onds even if we’re togeth­er 24 hours a day.”

Anneka passed away on Novem­ber 18, 2019, six months after her diagnosis.

This year, Alan will be attend­ing the Lon­don Marathon in mem­o­ry of Ane­ka and mak­ing a dona­tion to The Brain Tumor Organization.

So far Alan has walked 215 miles across Scot­land in one week and raised €62,000 for her charity.

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