U.S. : One Washington state ticket wins the $754.6 million Powerball jackpot

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A lucky per­son with a sin­gle Power­ball tick­et in Wash­ing­ton state matched all six num­bers drawn in Mon­day’s draw­ing and won a jack­pot worth $754.6 mil­lion, offi­cials said. bottom.

The iden­ti­ty of the win­ner remains a mys­tery, but his tick­et matched the num­bers 5, 11, 22, 23, 69 on the cue and the 7 on the red Power­ball. The pow­er play mul­ti­pli­er was 2x.

The win means that the Power­ball jack­pot, which has been absent from play­ers since last Novem­ber, has end­ed in the 34th draw of the jack­pot series, Power­ball orga­niz­ers said in a press release.

The final tick­et sales exceed­ed pre­vi­ous esti­mates, reach­ing the lat­est total at the time of the draw, mak­ing it the fifth-largest Power­ball jack­pot and the ninth-largest jack­pot in U.S. lot­tery his­to­ry. offi­cials said.

Tick­et hold­ers can choose between a $754.6 mil­lion annu­al prize or a $407.2 mil­lion lump sum. All prizes are pre-tax.

If the win­ner choos­es the annu­ity, he will receive the pay­ment imme­di­ate­ly, fol­lowed by 29 pay­ments that increase by 5% each year, the peo­ple said.

In Mon­day’s draw­ing, own­ers of two tick­ets sold in Michi­gan and three tick­ets sold in New York won a $1 mil­lion prize for match­ing all five white balls. Anoth­er tick­et from Texas dou­bled the prize to $2 mil­lion by match­ing all five white balls and includ­ing a pow­er play option that was $1 more per play, offi­cials said.

On the oth­er hand, there were 58 tick­ets nation­wide that won a prize of 50,000 yen, and 16 tick­ets that won a prize of 100,000 yen.

Mon­day’s draw won the Power­ball jack­pot for the first time this year. Pre­vi­ous­ly, Power­ball orga­niz­ers announced that a tick­et in Kansas won a $92.9 mil­lion jack­pot on Novem­ber 19, 2022.

Among the Power­ball jack­pots won in 2022 is the $632.6 mil­lion jack­pot, which was won on Jan­u­ary 5 and was split between Cal­i­for­nia and Wis­con­sin winners.

The next Power­ball draw will take place on Wednes­day night.

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