U.S. : Texas woman accused of murdering friend and stealing baby gets 55 years in prison

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A Texas woman accused of mur­der­ing a close friend who gave birth in 2019 and kid­nap­ping the baby as part of an elab­o­rate scheme to pass it off as her child has plead­ed guilty Thurs­day to mur­der charges. pros­e­cu­tor’s office announced.

Magen Fier­am­s­ka, 37, has been sen­tenced to 55 years in prison for the death of Hei­di Brous­sard, 33, Travis Coun­ty Dis­trict Attor­ney Jose Garza said in a state­ment. Fier­a­mus­ca exer­cised its right to appeal.

The con­vic­tion fol­lows the dis­ap­pear­ance of a three-week-old baby girl in Austin, Texas, a case of increas­ing inter­est as the inves­ti­ga­tion pro­gress­es and police focus on Fieramska.

Police said the girl was found alive in a Hous­ton-area home with Brous­sard’s body in the trunk of Fier­am­ska’s car.

Accord­ing to her arrest war­rant at the time, Fier­am­s­ka abduct­ed Brous­sard on Decem­ber 12, 2019 and stuffed her in her black duf­fel bag. Brous­sard was last seen send­ing her old­er child to an ele­men­tary school in Austin. Her death was ruled a homi­cide by strangulation.

Her baby Mar­got Carey was returned to her father.

“We hope this result will bring an end to the fam­i­lies of Brous­sard and Carey and help them con­tin­ue the heal­ing process,” Garza said.

Court records show that Fier­a­mus­ca and Brous­sard were friends and met at a church camp ten years ago.

At one point, Fier­am­s­ka had the keys to Brous­sard’s apart­ment and they talked about being preg­nant togeth­er, and she even thought she might give birth on the same day, court records say. It is

Brous­sard’s fiancée told inves­ti­ga­tors that Fier­am­s­ka gave birth to a baby girl on Dec. 8 or 9, but she had nev­er seen a pho­to of the child, she told investigators.

Fier­am­s­ka told the Texas Ranger that she went to the beach with her cousin the day Brous­sard was kidnapped.

How­ev­er, accord­ing to her affi­davit, he lat­er told the same offi­cer that she gave birth that day, although he could not give specifics about her delivery.

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