Victoria Lee, rising MMA star, dies at 18

Mixed mar­tial arts ris­ing star Vic­to­ria Lee has died at 18.

In an Insta­gram post on Sat­ur­day, MMA fight­er Angela Lee shared that her younger sis­ter, Vic­to­ria, had died last year on Dec. 26, 2022. No cause of death was shared.

“She has gone too soon and our fam­i­ly has been com­plete­ly dev­as­tat­ed since then,” she wrote. “We miss her. More than any­thing in this world. Our fam­i­ly will nev­er be the same. Life will nev­er be the same.”

Angela con­tin­ued, adding, “Vic­to­ria was the most beau­ti­ful soul who ever lived. She was the best lit­tle sis­ter in the world. The best daugh­ter, the best grand­daugh­ter and the best god­ma / aun­ty to Ava and Alia.”

“We miss you so much sis. More than you could ever real­ize,” she wrote. “We’re all bro­ken. Because a piece of you was in each of us and when you left, those pieces were ripped out of us. We will nev­er be the same.”

Angela wrote that since her sister’s death, she’s con­stant­ly remind­ed of Vic­to­ria. The ath­lete explained, “Each and every lit­tle thing makes me think of you. From the sun rays, to the sun­set. You taught us to see the beau­ty in the sim­ple things.”

The fam­i­ly did not imme­di­ate­ly respond to a request for comment.

Trib­utes for the young ris­ing star poured in across social media, includ­ing a post from ONE Cham­pi­onship, a glob­al sports media plat­form, mourn­ing the athlete.

“The ONE Cham­pi­onship team is dev­as­tat­ed over the trag­ic pass­ing of Vic­to­ria Lee,” a post on Twit­ter read. “We send our most heart­felt con­do­lences to her fam­i­ly and friends at this dif­fi­cult time.”

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On Face­book, ONE Championship’s CEO Cha­tri Sity­o­d­tong shared a touch­ing mes­sage, stat­ing he was “heart­bro­ken” by Victoria’s death.

“I first met Vic­to­ria when she was 11 years old. I watched her blos­som over the years as a mar­tial artist and a human being,” Sity­o­d­tong wrote. “I always remem­ber think­ing how wise, thought­ful, and self­less she was beyond her years. Of course, she was an extra­or­di­nary mar­tial arts prodi­gy even back then, but I could see that she was so much more than that.”

Sity­o­d­tong said the young fight­er had a “heart of gold and a bril­liant mind,” adding, “She looked after oth­ers before her­self. She want­ed to use her life to help the world. I will always remem­ber Vic­to­ria for the beau­ti­ful and pre­cious soul that she was.”

Vic­to­ria is sur­vived by her par­ents, Ken and Jew­elz Lee, her sis­ter Angela, 26, broth­ers Chris­t­ian, 24, and Adri­an, 17, and niece Ava, 1, who Angela shares with her hus­band Bruno Pucci.

All of Victoria’s sib­lings are involved in MMA. Angela became the youngest per­son to win a world title in MMA in 2016, while Chris­t­ian is the cur­rent ONE Wel­ter­weight World Cham­pi­on and ONE Light­weight World Cham­pi­on. Adri­an is the newest to join the fam­i­ly busi­ness and won an ama­teur title in Decem­ber 2022.

Through­out her career with ONE Cham­pi­onship, Vic­to­ria com­pet­ed in the women’s atom­weight divi­sion. Accord­ing to the com­pa­ny, Vic­to­ria had three vic­to­ries under her belt. In recent years, she defeat­ed Vic­to­ria Souza with a TKO in the sec­ond round in Sep­tem­ber 2021.

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