FOOTBALL: Former Bristol City footballer Osagi Bascome, 23, stabbed to death outside a restaurant.

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Osa­gi Bas­come, 23, was stabbed mul­ti­ple times dur­ing a scuf­fle out­side a restau­rant on St David’s Island.

Bas­come signed for Bris­tol City in Feb­ru­ary 2017 as a teenag­er after impress­ing in a law­suit in late 2016.

He played for the Under 23s for the remain­der of this season.

Bas­come end­ed his Eng­lish foot­ball career in the Nation­al League north of Darlington.

He has been select­ed 18 times for Bermu­da, often along­side cur­rent Bris­tol City strik­er Nakhi Wells, and has scored one goal.

Police said the stab­bing was not linked to a gang.

Detec­tive Inspec­tor Peter Sta­ble­ford addressed the press out­side the “Zone” where the attack took place, urg­ing wit­ness­es to come forward.

“We need to hear from every­one who was at the par­ty, but at the moment the peo­ple who were there are not talk­ing to us,” he said.

“We know peo­ple saw what hap­pened and we urge them to do the right thing by Osa­gi and tell us.”

A Bermu­da police spokesper­son said: “A police inves­ti­ga­tion has been opened into the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the death of a 23-year-old man, who died of injuries sus­tained in an appar­ent stab­bing incident. .

Offi­cers were at King Edward Memo­r­i­al Hos­pi­tal in con­nec­tion with anoth­er case, when they were alert­ed to the vic­tim who had been brought to the emer­gency depart­ment in a state of unre­spon­sive­ness, with which seemed to be mul­ti­ple stab wounds. ”

The vic­tim was trans­port­ed to hos­pi­tal in a pri­vate vehi­cle. Details are lim­it­ed at this time. ”

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