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Benjamin Mendy is released on bail after 134 days in pre-trial detention.

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Man City star Ben­jamin Mendy has been charged with sev­en rapes and sex­u­al assault, he had been in pre-tri­al deten­tion since Sep­tem­ber but was released on bail today.
Most recent­ly held at HMP Man­ches­ter, com­mon­ly known as Strangeways.

The Man­ches­ter City and France defend­er, 27, accused of sev­en rapes and sex­u­al assault, was held at HMP Alt­course, Liv­er­pool, before being recent­ly trans­ferred to HMP Man­ches­ter, bet­ter known as Strange­ways, just before Christmas.

Today he was released on bail by Judge Patrick Thomp­son in a pri­vate hear­ing at Chester Crown Court with the press exclud­ed from the courtroom.

Mendy is charged with eight offens­es against five dif­fer­ent women, includ­ing sev­en counts of rape involv­ing four women. And the sex­u­al assault of anoth­er alleged victim.

He alleged­ly raped a woman while on bail by police in August, before being tak­en into cus­tody 134 days ago in September.

The Pre­mier League star, who signed for Man­ches­ter City for £ 52million out of £ 90,000 a week, has been told he will be on ‘strict’ con­di­tions while on bail.

Mendy was due to stand tri­al this month, but it has now been post­poned until June at the ear­li­est. He was released on bail until Jan­u­ary 24, until a new pre­lim­i­nary hearing.

Foot­baller Ben­jamin Mendy was released on bail after four months in prison. He was seen (above) leav­ing Chester Crown Court today. The Pre­mier League star, who signed for Man­ches­ter City for £ 52million out of £ 90,000 a week, has been told he will be on ‘strict’ con­di­tions while on bail.

Man­ches­ter City and France defend­er Mendy, 27, accused of sev­en rapes and sex­u­al assault, was held at HMP Alt­course, Liv­er­pool, before being recent­ly trans­ferred to HMP Man­ches­ter, bet­ter known as Strange­ways, just before Christmas.

The foot­baller was trans­ferred to Man­ches­ter’s infa­mous HMP prison, com­mon­ly known as Strange­ways, on 23 December.

All of Ben­jamin Mendy’s charges
Three counts of rape of a woman on Octo­ber 11, 2020, believed to have tak­en place at her home in Prest­bury, Cheshire

Sex­u­al assault by touch­ing anoth­er woman on Jan­u­ary 2, 2021, believed to have tak­en place at her home in Prest­bury, Cheshire

One count of rape of anoth­er woman in July 2021

One count of rape of anoth­er woman on July 24, 2021, alleged­ly in Mac­cles­field, Cheshire

Two counts of rape of a woman on August 23, 2021, believed to have tak­en place in Mac­cles­field, Cheshire

The France inter­na­tion­al was released on bail today after a request from his defense team at Chester Crown Court.

Judge Patrick Thomp­son made the deci­sion after refus­ing a request to extend Mendy’s time in custody.

Mendy was told he would be sub­ject to “oner­ous” con­di­tions while on bail.

The alle­ga­tions against him include three counts of rape, which alleged­ly occurred on Octo­ber 11, 2020, one sex­u­al assault on Jan­u­ary 2, 2021, one count of rape on July 24, 2021 and two counts of rape on August 23, 2021.

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