SPORT: Football
Ghanaian coach Milovan Rajevac sacked after disastrous CAN elimination.

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Ghana coach Milo­van Raje­vac has been sacked just four days after the coun­try’s dis­as­trous African Cup exit.

The deci­sion was tak­en by the Ghana FA on Sat­ur­day morn­ing, the coun­try’s lead­ing foot­ball news ser­vice can con­firm the decision.

It comes less than 12 hours after the sports min­is­ter ordered a mas­sive over­haul of the team’s back­room staff, the Black Stars’ rare first-round exit from Africa’s flag­ship foot­ball tournament.

The Ser­bian coach over­saw one of Ghana’s worst per­for­mances in the ongo­ing Africa Cup of Nations in Cameroon.

The four-time CAN cham­pi­ons only man­aged to score a sin­gle point in the Group C com­pe­ti­tion with Moroc­co, Gabon and Comoros.

Ghana lost to Moroc­co and debu­tants Comoros in the group stage to exit the competition.

The Ghana FA and tech­ni­cal team led by coach Milo­van Raje­vac came under intense pres­sure after the exit with calls from fans for the team to be dis­band­ed and the coach sacked.

After a stake­hold­er meet­ing held on Fri­day between the Min­istry of Sports and the Ghana Foot­ball Association.

The Ghana FA have been urged to ter­mi­nate the appoint­ment of Milo­van Raje­vac with imme­di­ate effect.

Our sources at the Min­istry of Sports say the Ghana FA have giv­en their agree­ment in prin­ci­ple to fire the 68-year-old.

The Sports Min­istry wants the Ser­bian coach to leave, oth­er­wise he will stop pay­ing his salaries.

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