Joao CanÂceÂlo says he was assaultÂed by four assailants who stole jewÂelÂry and tried to hurt his family.
The ManÂchesÂter City full-back revealed facial injuries in an InstaÂgram stoÂry on ThursÂday night, claimÂing they were susÂtained as a result of the attack.
The PorÂtuguese defendÂer, 27, did not say where the attack occurred, but City latÂer said it was durÂing a burÂglary at the playÂerâs home.
âUnforÂtuÂnateÂly, today I was assaultÂed by four cowÂards who hurt me and tried to hurt my famÂiÂly. When you show resisÂtance, thatâs what hapÂpens,â CanÂceÂlo said.
The phoÂto he shared showed a deep cut above his right eye.
âI donât know how there are peoÂple with such meanÂness,â he added. âThe most imporÂtant thing for me is my famÂiÂly and luckÂiÂly they are all doing well.
âAfter so many obstaÂcles in my life, this is just one more that I will overÂcome. Firm and strong, as always.â
A ManÂchesÂter City stateÂment on ThursÂday evening said: âWe are shocked and disÂmayed that Joao CanÂceÂlo and his famÂiÂly were the vicÂtims of a burÂglary at their home this evening in which Joao was also assaulted.
âJoao and his famÂiÂly are supÂportÂed by the Club and he is assistÂing the police with their invesÂtiÂgaÂtions as they invesÂtiÂgate this very seriÂous matter.â
CanÂceÂlo played the full 90 minÂutes of ManÂchesÂter Cityâs 1â0 win at BrentÂford on WednesÂday night as City extendÂed their lead at the top of the PreÂmier League table to eight points.
He joined City in a monÂey transÂfer from JuvenÂtus in August 2019, which saw DaniÂlo go the othÂer way as part of the deal.
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