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Manchester City defender Joao Cancelo injured in an assault.

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Joao Can­ce­lo says he was assault­ed by four assailants who stole jew­el­ry and tried to hurt his family.

The Man­ches­ter City full-back revealed facial injuries in an Insta­gram sto­ry on Thurs­day night, claim­ing they were sus­tained as a result of the attack.

The Por­tuguese defend­er, 27, did not say where the attack occurred, but City lat­er said it was dur­ing a bur­glary at the play­er’s home.

“Unfor­tu­nate­ly, today I was assault­ed by four cow­ards who hurt me and tried to hurt my fam­i­ly. When you show resis­tance, that’s what hap­pens,” Can­ce­lo said.

The pho­to he shared showed a deep cut above his right eye.

“I don’t know how there are peo­ple with such mean­ness,” he added. “The most impor­tant thing for me is my fam­i­ly and luck­i­ly they are all doing well.

“After so many obsta­cles in my life, this is just one more that I will over­come. Firm and strong, as always.”

A Man­ches­ter City state­ment on Thurs­day evening said: “We are shocked and dis­mayed that Joao Can­ce­lo and his fam­i­ly were the vic­tims of a bur­glary at their home this evening in which Joao was also assaulted.

“Joao and his fam­i­ly are sup­port­ed by the Club and he is assist­ing the police with their inves­ti­ga­tions as they inves­ti­gate this very seri­ous matter.”

Can­ce­lo played the full 90 min­utes of Man­ches­ter City’s 1–0 win at Brent­ford on Wednes­day night as City extend­ed their lead at the top of the Pre­mier League table to eight points.

He joined City in a mon­ey trans­fer from Juven­tus in August 2019, which saw Dani­lo go the oth­er way as part of the deal.

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