Manchester United fans outraged by penalty bias in favor of Manchester City

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Man­ches­ter Unit­ed fans have expressed their anger and frus­tra­tion at the appar­ent penal­ty bias in favor of their city rivals Man­ches­ter City in the 2022–2023 Pre­mier League season.

Accord­ing to sta­tis­tics from Trans­fer­markt, Man­ches­ter Unit­ed have been award­ed only two penal­ties in 36 games, while Man­ches­ter City have received 10 penal­ties in the same num­ber of match­es. This means that Man­ches­ter City have had five times more chances to score from the spot than Man­ches­ter United.

Man­ches­ter Unit­ed fans have tak­en to social media to vent their dis­plea­sure at the per­ceived injus­tice, accus­ing the ref­er­ees of being biased and influ­enced by Pep Guardi­o­la’s side. Some fans have even sug­gest­ed that there is a con­spir­a­cy to pre­vent Man­ches­ter Unit­ed from chal­leng­ing for the title, which they cur­rent­ly trail by 19 points.

One fan tweet­ed: “This is ridicu­lous. How can Man City get 10 penal­ties and we only get 2? The refs are clear­ly favor­ing them. It’s not fair. #Penal­ty­Bias”

Anoth­er fan wrote: “Man City are buy­ing the league and the refs. They get away with every­thing. We get noth­ing. It’s a dis­grace. #Penal­ty­Bias”

Some fans have also point­ed out the con­trast between this sea­son and the 2019–2020 sea­son, when Man­ches­ter Unit­ed were award­ed 14 penal­ties in 38 games, the most in the league. They claim that this shows that the ref­er­ees have changed their approach and are now penal­iz­ing Man­ches­ter Unit­ed for their attack­ing style.

One fan post­ed: “In 2019–2020 sea­son we got 14 penal­ties because we were attack­ing and cre­at­ing chances. This sea­son we get 2 because the refs are scared of Man City and their mon­ey. It’s a joke. #Penal­ty­Bias”

Anoth­er fan com­ment­ed: “Last sea­son we were praised for our penal­ty record. This sea­son we are pun­ished for it. The refs are incon­sis­tent and unfair. It’s a shame.

Man­ches­ter Unit­ed man­ag­er Ole Gun­nar Sol­sk­jaer has also expressed his frus­tra­tion at the lack of penal­ties for his team, say­ing that he feels they are not get­ting the deci­sions they deserve.

He said: “I don’t want to talk too much about it, but I think we should have had more penal­ties this sea­son. We have play­ers who are quick and skill­ful and who get fouled in the box, but we don’t get the calls. I don’t know why that is.”

He added: “I hope that the ref­er­ees will be more con­sis­tent and fair in the remain­ing games. We need every point we can get if we want to catch up with Man City.” #Penal­ty­Bias”

Man­ches­ter City man­ag­er Pep Guardi­o­la, on the oth­er hand, has dis­missed the claims of penal­ty bias, say­ing that his team deserve every penal­ty they get because they dom­i­nate pos­ses­sion and cre­ate more chances than any oth­er team.

He said: “I don’t care what peo­ple say about our penal­ties. We get them because we play bet­ter than our oppo­nents and we make them com­mit mis­takes in their own box. It’s sim­ple as that.”

He added: “We don’t need any favors from any­one. We work hard and we play well and we earn our penal­ties. We don’t com­plain when we don’t get them, we just keep play­ing.” #Penal­ty­Bias”

The debate over penal­ty bias is like­ly to con­tin­ue until the end of the sea­son, as both teams have six more games to play and could still face each oth­er in a poten­tial title decider at Old Traf­ford on May 7th.

Will Man­ches­ter Unit­ed get more penal­ties in their remain­ing games? Will Man­ches­ter City main­tain their advan­tage from the spot? Will penal­ty bias decide the fate of the Pre­mier League title? Stay tuned for more updates on!

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