“New Scandal Rocks Spanish FA as Photos Emerge of President Lifting Star Amid Kissing Controversy”

New Scandal Rocks Spanish FA as Photos Emerge of President Lifting Star_Luis Rubiales lifting Athenea del Castillo to celebrate victory
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Luis Rubiales is fac­ing grow­ing calls to resign as new dis­turb­ing pho­tos emerge from Spain’s Wom­en’s World Cup cel­e­bra­tions. Rubiales has already caused out­rage by forcibly kiss­ing star Jen­nifer Her­moso with­out con­sent after Sun­day’s vic­to­ry over England.

As demands increase for him to step down from his post, even more trou­bling images have now sur­faced. The pho­tos show Rubiales lift­ing mid­field­er Athe­nea del Castil­lo over his shoul­ders — fuel­ing con­cerns about his dis­turb­ing behav­ior towards the female players.

Rubiales has refused to back down, despite an ongo­ing sex­u­al assault inves­ti­ga­tion sparked by his unwant­ed advances on Her­moso. Sources say he even begged Her­moso to star in a twist­ed apol­o­gy video to try and save his job. But the scan­dal only inten­si­fies with these new pho­tos of Rubiales man­han­dling anoth­er play­er dur­ing celebrations.

Along with the kiss­ing con­tro­ver­sy, Rubiales faces alle­ga­tions of abu­sive con­duct towards female col­leagues. One claims he fix­at­ed on her under­gar­ments. Oth­ers say he cre­at­ed a con­trol­ling envi­ron­ment for Spain’s women.

Adding to the furor, coach Jorge Vil­da also appears to grope a staff mem­ber in new­ly obtained video. As the dis­turb­ing details pile up, out­rage is reach­ing a fever pitch. Res­ig­na­tion demands grow loud­er, but Rubiales remains defi­ant amid this explo­sive sex­u­al mis­con­duct scan­dal rock­ing Span­ish soccer.

With his preda­to­ry behav­ior now out in the open, many are call­ing for real change to empow­er Spain’s tal­ent­ed women and ensure their safe­ty from lead­ers who’ve dis­re­spect­ed them at every turn. The fall­out from this grow­ing scan­dal is just beginning.

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  1. Women's World Cup As Spanish Federation President Suspended For Forced Kiss - scandalsmag

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