Wolverhampton 2–1 Tottenham: Late Comeback Denies Injury-Hit Spurs in Wolves Victory

Wolverhampton 2-1 Tottenham: Late Comeback Denies Injury-Hit Spurs in Wolves Victory
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Wolver­hamp­ton has orches­trat­ed a sen­sa­tion­al late come­back to deny injury-plagued Tot­ten­ham a 2–1 win.

Pablo Sara­bia, the sub­sti­tute, scored the equal­iz­er just six min­utes before Mario Lem­i­na sealed the vic­to­ry in stop­page time.

Spurs had tak­en the lead with Bren­nan John­son’s ear­ly goal, but their defense crum­bled in the dying moments.

Sara­bia show­cased his bril­liance, con­trol­ling a pass from Matheus Cun­ha and vol­ley­ing it past Gugliel­mo Vic­ario with precision.

Unde­terred, Wolves pur­sued the win­ner relent­less­ly, and it was Lem­i­na’s late arrival that secured the victory.

Despite their injuries and deplet­ed squad, Spurs start­ed strong with John­son find­ing the net ear­ly on.

How­ev­er, their defen­sive vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties were evi­dent as they were miss­ing key play­ers and strug­gled to cope.

With a makeshift defense, Eric Dier and Ben Davies showed expe­ri­ence and deter­mi­na­tion, but Wolves wast­ed sev­er­al scor­ing opportunities.

Wolves threat­ened on the coun­ter­at­tack but lacked the fin­ish­ing touch in front of goal.

In the sec­ond half, Wolves cre­at­ed clear­er chances, but their profli­ga­cy con­tin­ued to haunt them.

Tot­ten­ham’s nerves could have been eased if John­son had con­vert­ed a promis­ing coun­ter­at­tack, but his effort missed the target.

Ulti­mate­ly, Wolves found the break­through and claimed the vic­to­ry, leav­ing Spurs emp­ty-hand­ed and disappointed.

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