Hero Cosmetics Mighty Patch and Rescue Retinol Bundle : A Simple and Effective Fix for Pimples and Uneven Skin Texture

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If you’re look­ing for a sim­ple and effec­tive fix for pim­ples and bumpy skin tex­ture, then you can check out Hero Cos­met­ics Mighty Retinol Res­cue Patch and set. Fea­tur­ing two of their best sell­ing prod­ucts: Mighty Patch Orig­i­nal Pim­ple Patch and Res­cue Retinol Night­time Renew­ing Cream. I’ve been using them for a month and I’m impressed with the results.

Mighty Patch Orig­i­nal pim­ple patch
The Mighty Patch Orig­i­nal pim­ple patch is a hydro­col­loid adhe­sive that sticks to pim­ples before bed. It works by absorb­ing pus and oil from pim­ples, reduc­ing their size and redness.It also cre­ates a pro­tec­tive bar­ri­er that pre­vents bac­te­ria and dirt from enter­ing the wound, pre­vent­ing infec­tion and scar­ring. The patch is trans­par­ent, which makes it dis­creet and com­fort­able to wear. It’s also drug-free, suit­able for veg­ans, and safe for all skin types.

The Mighty Patch works won­ders on my pim­ples. I apply one before bed and when I wake up in the morn­ing the patch is filled with white goo and the pim­ple is vis­i­bly small­er and less inflamed.It’s so sat­is­fy­ing to peel off the patch and see the dif­fer­ence. The patch also helps me resist the urge to pop or pick at my pim­ples, which can cause more dam­age and scarring.

Res­cue Retinol Night­time Renew­ing Cream
Res­cue Retinol Night­time Renew­ing Cream is a gen­tle cream that is applied to the face after cleans­ing and ton­ing. Con­tains retinol, a form of vit­a­min A that helps improve the appear­ance of uneven tex­ture, fine lines, wrin­kles and dark spots. Retinol also increas­es col­la­gen pro­duc­tion and cell turnover, result­ing in smoother, firmer skin. The cream also con­tains niaci­namide, ceramides, squalane and gotu kola extract to nour­ish, hydrate, soothe and pro­tect the skin. The cream is
suit­able for sen­si­tive skin and does not cause irri­ta­tion or peeling.

Res­cue Retinol Cream is amaz­ing for my skin tex­ture. It makes my skin soft, smooth and firm. It also helps fade some of the dark spots and scars I have from pre­vi­ous break­outs. It does­n’t irri­tate or dry my skin at all. It is actu­al­ly very mois­tur­iz­ing and soothing.

The bun­dle costs $42.73 on Ama­zon, which is quite pricey for me. How­ev­er, I think it’s worth it for the qual­i­ty and effec­tive­ness of the prod­ucts. Plus, you get 72 patch­es and 30ml of cream in the bun­dle, which should last you for a while.

If you want to try them out for your­self, you can find them on Ama­zon.

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