ChokÂing, also known as sexÂuÂal stranÂguÂlaÂtion, has become an increasÂingÂly popÂuÂlar sexÂuÂal pracÂtice, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly among young peoÂple. HowÂevÂer, a new study has found that this risky behavÂior can lead to perÂmaÂnent brain damÂage, even when done just a few times.
The research, led by Dr. DebÂbie Herbinick, a sexÂuÂal and reproÂducÂtive health researcher, showed that women who had been choked four times over the preÂviÂous 30 days expeÂriÂenced changes in their brain strucÂtures that affectÂed their abilÂiÂty to perÂform workÂing memÂoÂry tasks.
RestrictÂed blood flow to the brain durÂing chokÂing can cause it to stop operÂatÂing at norÂmal capacÂiÂty immeÂdiÂateÂly and can lead to tisÂsue death withÂin as litÂtle as five minÂutes due to a lack of oxyÂgen and gluÂcose supply.
Even brief periÂods of chokÂing, such as 10 secÂonds, can cause someÂone to pass out, and minÂutes withÂout oxyÂgen can result in perÂmaÂnent brain damage.
The study, pubÂlished in the jourÂnal Brain BehavÂior, looked at two groups of 41 women â one that had been choked in the past 30 days and anothÂer that hadnât.
The chokÂing group exhibÂitÂed sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly increased corÂtiÂcal thickÂness in mulÂtiÂple brain regions involved in face recogÂniÂtion, visuÂal proÂcessÂing, and memÂoÂry, sugÂgestÂing strucÂturÂal changes to their brains.
âThereâs big conÂcern about teenagers and young peoÂple doing this, who donât realÂly yet have full knowlÂedge and inforÂmaÂtion about these behavÂiors, who maybe have very limÂitÂed pracÂtice or expeÂriÂencÂing or expeÂriÂence comÂmuÂniÂcatÂing about sexÂuÂalÂiÂty,â said Dr. Herbernick.
The pracÂtice of chokÂing durÂing sex has become more mainÂstream, with refÂerÂences in popÂuÂlar culÂture, such as the HBO show EuphoÂria and the Fifty Shades of Grey franÂchise. HowÂevÂer, experts warn that this seemÂingÂly risky behavÂior can have devÂasÂtatÂing conÂseÂquences, even when done consensually.
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