Fiji Water has recalled over 1.9 milÂlion botÂtles of its natÂurÂal arteÂsian water due to the disÂcovÂery of manÂganese and bacÂteÂrÂiÂal contamination.
The recall affects over 78,000 casÂes sold on AmaÂzon, with prodÂucts idenÂtiÂfied as havÂing proÂjectÂed rotaÂtion dates between NovemÂber 11, 2023 and NovemÂber 25, 2023.
The FDA clasÂsiÂfied the recall as a âclass threeâ sitÂuÂaÂtion, meanÂing the conÂtÂaÂmÂiÂnaÂtion is ânot likeÂly to cause adverse health conÂseÂquences.â HowÂevÂer, Fiji Water has stressed that conÂsumer safeÂty is their top priÂorÂiÂty and they have takÂen swift action to address the issue.
ManÂganese is an essenÂtial minÂerÂal, but at high levÂels can potenÂtialÂly cause brain damÂage. The bacÂteÂrÂiÂal conÂtÂaÂmÂiÂnaÂtion involved three unspecÂiÂfied genera.
Fiji Water statÂed that 99% of the affectÂed botÂtles have already been reclaimed, with the remainÂing prodÂucts held in wareÂhousÂes to be returned.
The recall underÂscores the imporÂtance of rigÂorÂous qualÂiÂty conÂtrol in the botÂtled water indusÂtry. While Fiji Water mainÂtains the conÂtÂaÂmÂiÂnaÂtion posed no seriÂous health risks, the inciÂdent highÂlights the need for vigÂiÂlance to ensure the safeÂty and puriÂty of conÂsumÂable products.
The comÂpaÂny has pledged to conÂtinÂue its regÂuÂlar testÂing to uphold the high stanÂdards expectÂed of its brand.
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