Alisa VanÂderÂcruyssen, a 28-year-old aesÂthetiÂcian from RoyÂal Oak, MichiÂgan, had a rare disÂorÂder called lipedeÂma that caused abnorÂmal fat accuÂmuÂlaÂtion and tisÂsue growth in her legs. She had this conÂdiÂtion since she was a teenagÂer and it worsÂened over time despite eatÂing healthy and being active. DocÂtors blamed her weight but no diet or exerÂcise plan worked for her.
Alisa felt hopeÂless and in pain until she searched online and found out she had lipedeÂma. This disÂorÂder affects mainÂly women and causÂes symÂmetÂriÂcal swelling of the limbs, espeÂcialÂly the legs and hips.
Alisa was relieved to have a diagÂnoÂsis but also sad that she had to live with this conÂdiÂtion for so long. LipedeÂma is proÂgresÂsive and can get worse if left untreatÂed. Alisaâs only option was surgery to remove the excess fluÂid and fat from her legs.
Alisa went to a lipedeÂma speÂcialÂty cenÂter where docÂtors perÂformed water assistÂed lipoÂsucÂtion on her legs. They removed nearÂly 2 galÂlons of fluÂid from her legs â 1.7 galÂlons from her upper thighs alone. The surgery involved breakÂing down the fatÂty deposits and sucÂtionÂing them out.
The surgery gave Alisa the relief she needÂed. She can now walk with less pain and hopes to have more enerÂgy. She also realÂized that her conÂdiÂtion was not her fault but a medÂical issue that needÂed treatment.
Alisa wants to raise awareÂness of lipedeÂma to help othÂer women who may have this disÂorÂder and not know it. LipedeÂma is estiÂmatÂed to affect 1 in 9 women but it is often misÂdiÂagÂnosed or underÂdiagÂnosed. With propÂer diagÂnoÂsis, treatÂment options like surgery can improve qualÂiÂty of life.
By sharÂing her stoÂry, Alisa hopes to inspire othÂers who sufÂfer from swelling and weight gain that does not respond to diet and exerÂcise. A medÂical conÂdiÂtion may be the cause and treatÂment options are available.
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