Smog Alert! Millions in US Breathe Dirty Air. Is Yours Safe?

Smog Alert! Millions in US Breathe Dirty Air. Is Yours Safe?
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Near­ly 40% of Amer­i­cans are chok­ing on unhealthy air, accord­ing to a new report. Wild­fires, heat­waves, and drought are caus­ing this, espe­cial­ly in California.

That’s 131 mil­lion peo­ple exposed to nasty ozone and par­ti­cle pol­lu­tion. This can mess with your lungs, heart, and even cause asth­ma attacks. Scary!

Cli­mate change is REAL and hurt­ing our health. The good news? The Clean Air Act helped reduce pol­lu­tion for decades. But wild­fires are revers­ing that progress.

21 bad air days a year is the new nor­mal in the most pol­lut­ed cities. Cal­i­for­nia has it the worst, with Bak­ers­field and Los Ange­les top­ping the charts for filthy air.

Peo­ple of col­or are hit even hard­er. Racist zon­ing from way back stuck them near fac­to­ries and high­ways, putting them at high­er risk. Not fair! âœŠ

Want to know if your city made the clean­est air list? Check out Ban­gor, Maine, Hon­olu­lu, Hawaii, and Wilm­ing­ton, North Car­oli­na. Lucky ducks!

The gov­ern­men­t’s try­ing to help by low­er­ing pol­lu­tion from cars and trucks. But stricter rules are need­ed to tack­le ozone too.

We can’t con­trol the air alone. We need strong action to make sure what we breathe is healthy. Let’s fight for clean air!

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